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It only took an hour for me to be checked up by the doctor and to be determined okay to leave. Father then took my to my room and allowed me to change before meeting the others back at his office. Some of the pack members that we crossed paths with looked as if they were going to shit their pants seeing me with my father. I guess Father was very believable when he said whoever messes with me messes with his also. I also think he is kind of badass having the people in the palm of his hand like he does right now.

"Don't take too long, I don't want the others raiding my office and messing everything up." father grumbles as I dig around in my closet to find something to wear. I roll my eyes and smile at Father's grumpiness. I know the real reason as to why he doesn't want them sniffing around.

"Still keep that stash of M&M's at the bottom of your left desk drawer?" I ask cockily as I waltz into the bathroom. I hear father squawk a little indignantly as he tries to think of something to say, but the silence on the other side of the door only confirms my theory that Father does not realize all of his kids have known of the hiding spot since I was five.

"I slip on the slightly baggy jeans and sweatshirt I had grabbed. I didn't want to look too fancy, but I also didn't want to wear the hospital sweats that I had changed into from my hospital gown. I really would have looked like trash if I had decided to stay in that.

"Where is Jacobi? I want him to present for the meeting." I tell Father as soon as I have washed my hands and left the bathroom. Father purses his lips as he thinks over my request, but I can already see it in his eyes that he is going to say yes.

I am kind of happy that this 'building our relationship' is causing him to do a lot of things he normally wouldn't but is doing because he wants to please me. I know it is kind of bad seeing as it could be seen as taking advantage, but if Father really didn't agree with it, he wouldn't let it happen.

"Alright, we can pick him up from the daycare area on our way there, Logan dropped him off on the way to the office." I nod as I throw the hospital clothes in the corner of the room, Father gives me another annoyed look before walking out the door, he and Mom stopped cleaning our rooms, and doing our laundry for us when we were kind of young, so I know I will have to do it later at some point, no matter how much I really don't want to.

The daycare is on the other side of the pack house than the Alpha wing and offices, so I am a little out of breath by the time we reach the little daycare area that the pack offers to the parents of the pack that work in town during the day and they have little kids too young to go to school because they don't have a grip of their shift yet.

Father waits in the hallway as I go in to get Jacobi. I see him immediately, my wolf immediately drawn in by his scent. I smile as I watch him play with another little boy with blond hair and brown eyes. They seem to be friends by the smalls and laughter coming from the two, I almost feel bad for separating them, but I kinda miss being around Jacobi and all his cuteness.

"Hi, I am grabbing Jacobi quick." I tell one of the ladies in charge as I walk past her to where Jacobi is with his friend. The lady smiles and nods at me as she writes something down in a book, probably that I am taking him back after just dropping him off. Great.

"Jacobi." I call softly to catch the boy's attention. Jacobi's head snaps up and he smiles even brighter, as he runs over to where i am. I lift him up into my arms as I let out a small laugh of delight. I have barely known this boy for a few days and I am already in love with his contagious laugh and smile.

"Well, I am glad you are making friends, but I am going to bring you with me to a meeting with the rest of my family, maybe you can have a playdate with Michael sometime later?" Jacobi smiles widely at me as he nods. I chuckle as I let him down, after his constant wiggling, and watch as he races over to Michael and gives him a big hug. Michael gives me a smug look over Jacobi's shoulder that makes me hold in my laughter. This kid really likes Jacobi.

"I'm ready." Jacobi says as he walks back over to me. I look back at Michael, who is once again glaring at me as he squeezes his toy dinosaur. I turn back around and shake my head, at least now Jacobi has some friends in the pack, unlike before when he was completely alone.

"We are ready." I tell my father once we walk out of the daycare area. Father looks up from his phone and smiles down at Jacobi. I am slightly surprised to see him acting so nice to Jacobi, as when I first befriended him and took him under my wing, Father wasn't that much on board with the whole idea. It is nice to see now that he really is trying, especially with making a relationship with Jacobi, who I am thinking is now a permanent part of my life.

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