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I gasp as I sit up blind in whatever bed I am in. There is a constant beeping noise that is getting faster and faster as I struggle to get out of the bed. I can feel tears leaking out of my eyes from the still-present premonition I just had.

It takes a second for me to realize that there are hands on my arms keeping me from getting up and a slurred voice talking to me quickly, but I can't make out what is being said.

I finally open my eyes, squinting when they are instantly assaulted from the lights, and look around me.

I see Logan holding his mate to his chest as he watches me in fear and hope, Jackson is also with his mate, but is looking away from me as he talks to her quietly, Lucas is also with his mate, but he is staring straight back at me with a black face. Jacobi is sitting on the other side of the bed, but he is only silently watching me. Looking above me I see Father is the one holding me down by my arms. He is also saying something to me, but the ringing in my ears drowns out the sound of his voice.

I slump back against the bed as I stop fighting against him to get up, assuming he is saying something of the sort about me needing to stay in bed.

I look to where the beeping was coming from and see a heart monitor. I frown at it before looking down at my body. I am dressed in a hospital gown and laying in a hospital bed. I use my, now feed, hand to reach up and wipe my face as I look back up at father. The ringing in my ears has gone down and now it is just a dull sound in the back of my head.

"I am in the, the hospital." I finally say once I get all of my bearings straight. I wipe my eyes again since the feel wet still. Father nods as he looks down at me. He slowly sits down in the chair besides my bed, he must have been sitting there before I began freaking out.

"Yeah, bud, we were really scared for you. The doctor said that the amount of time for you to heal your long would be too long. He said you would choke to death before you could heal, so you had to get worked on. Mostly everything is fine now, just waiting for your ribs to finish healing before you are all good to go." Logan speaks up after no one said anything.

I grunt in acknowledgement as I look around the room again. I lock eyes with Jacobi and I gave him a small smile in comfort.

"Hey, Kid, how was daycare? I bet it was a lot more fun than being here? Huh?" Jacobi shakes his head as he puts his little arms over his chest.

"You almost died like my mommy and daddy did." Jacobi says sadly as he lays his head on my arm. He looks up at me with big eyes and I already know I am going to give this kid anything to make him happy.

"I know, but you can't get rid of me that easily." Jacobi smile a little before he closes his eyes and falls asleep. Wow, this kid can really sleep. I wish I could fall asleep that easily.

Before anyone else can say something there is a knock on the door, and Easton pokes his head in. Father waves for him to come in, and Easton nods as he awkwardly stands by the door. I smirk as I wave a little at him. Easton seems to blush a little before he shakes his head and clears his throat before turning to father.

Why did he blush like that? I mean I only waves, that doesn't mean anything does it?

"The guards are questioning Hazel right now, I don't know if you wanted to be there or not." Easton finally speak. I wrinkle my nose at the sound of Crazy Hazel, but I am also confused on why they are questioning her.

Father goes to stand up, but I grab his arm quickly causing him to stop moving. He looks down at me with raised eyebrows and I let got quickly.

"Why are we questioning Crazy Hazel?" I ask as I turn to look over at everyone. Father frowns down at me and he gives Easton the 'wait a second' look.

"I told everyone if they messed with you they would have me to answer to. There is no excuse to how she treated you and she must be made an example of. I need my people to know I am not bluffing when I give them orders to follow and what will happen in they don't follow my orders." Father says as if it is the cleanest thing in the world. I raise my eyebrows back at him as I my head.

"Dad." My father seems shocked that I used Dad instead of Father. "She is just a crazy bitch trying to get back at me from something back in the day. It's fine. I'm sure she was just living up to her name. I mean I can see where she was coming from." Father seems even more confused so I sigh as I go to elaborate.

"Apparently she is besties with Ariel, the bitch who I use to date, and she was all pissy when I called her out for being a two faced liar, and so apparently this is her way of revenge." Father seems even more confused. I let out an annoyed sigh at this and roll my eyes as I lean back in my bed.

"Dad, please, just let it go. I promise if she does anything else I will tell you right away, but I am sure that all of you have already scared her enough already. Plus, I mean, its kind of my fight to fight, right?" Father sighs as he looks down at me before he rolls his eyes, see I get it from him!, before he huffs and sits down in his chair.

"Fine, Easton, you can let her go, but tell her what will happen to her if she makes the same mistake of picking on my son." My heart warms a little at his words, but I roll my eyes to make it seem as if I am annoyed with the whole situation.

Easton goes to leave the room but I call out for him to wait. Easton turns back around partly and raise one eyebrow at me, which is a feat in itself.

"I need to know more." I say quietly as I think over the premonition vision thing. Easton looks confused so I sigh as I close my eyes. "I need to know more about the other gifted."

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