08 | Hectic schedule and a stress reliever

Start from the beginning

"Have a good day" Kihyun smiled faintly at the tired,old man before stepping out of the bus.

"You too kid"

A cold breeze ruffled Kihyun's hair as soon as he was in front of the huge building.His throat became dry and his hands were sweaty.He hated monday.Not only because of the horrible teachers.He had a hectic schedule which deprived him of relaxing moments.Assignments over assignments occupied his time.

"What a crappy day.." he muttered and pushed the wooden doors wide open,letting the evil aura envelop his soul.



The bright smile of his new friend,Minhyuk made him smile back.

"How's life? Are you looking forward to this crappy day? Yeah,me neither"

"Is that so obvious?" Kihyun asked as they walked towards their first class

"Dude..you have "I hate monday" written all over your face" Minhyuk giggled

"Hmph..well,I really want to get over it as soon as possible"

"You better! This depressed face does not suit you"

"I appreciate your sincerity.." Kihyun rolled his eyes

"Oh crap.." Minhyuk gasped loudly

"Hmm? What?" Kihyun yawned and sat down in his seat

"I forgot to text Hyunwoo back last night! He's going to think that I ignored him!" Minhyuk panicked

"All your dramas are pissing me off.Hyunwoo is a considerate,kind dude.He loves you.Why would he get upset about you not texting him back?" Kihyun sighed

"You don't understand..I always text him back."


"What if he doesn't love me anymore?" Minhyuk whined

"Are you stupid? He's your boyfriend for god-knows-how-long and after considering the fact that he didn't hurt you not even once, I am 100% sure that he won't be upset just because of a stupid text"

"I guess you're right.."


Their chatter died out and their asshole of a teacher stepped in the classroom,ready to see his students suffer.


Kihyun dragged his feet in a sluggish manner,exhausted from all the school work.His once soft hair was a mess and his usual sweet smile was no longer to be seen.His mood was somber enough to drive him crazy.Who would have thought that college life could be so damn hard..

Walking with his head hung low he didn't notice the person coming towards him.

A pained grunt slipped past his lips and he slowly looked up.

"I am sorry.." he muttered in a weak tone



They muttered at the same time before clearing their throats.

"You look like you've been hit by a train." the tall male grinned

"Wow..thanks" Kihyun sighed

"Jokes aside..what really  happened?" Hyungwon questioned as he slipped his hands in the pockets of his long coat.

"Just..a hella busy day,y'know?"

"Must be hard"

"It really is.."

"Wanna drink something to relax? I know a good place" Hyungwon offered as his lips curved into a faint smile

"Sure.Why not.."

A/N late..I know..I've been lazy for some time and I'm sorry.Hopefully you enjoyed this,even though the end of the chapter seems kinda rushed.But don't worry,I'll continue from here in the next chapter.

Have a good day~

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