'Who.... are they?' I question myself. Then, a sharp pain manages to crawl into my head and made me yelp for a second. I was panting and sweating. My heart keeps on pounding and I keep on thinking who exactly are they. Why do we look alike? And most of all, where am I at that time?

"Do you remember?" Pharos ask. I look up only to find a worried Pharos. I nod slowly. "The spell that had been cast on you was quite powerful and hard to nullify. Fortunately, you managed to cancel it," Pharos grin.


"You broke the spell without any help! Oh, that's totally wicked!!" Z cheer. I look at my hands afterwards. 'Why?'

"Is everything fine?" Pharos ask, concern. I looked at him again, "I-I can't tell you whether I'm fine or not. It's just... It's hard to explain," I finally confess. 

My eyes wander again before spotting something very unusual at the corner of my eye. A page with my name written on it that scattered beside the foot of the chair that I was currently sitting. I pick it up and begin to examine. Scanning from top to bottom, I gape open before covering my mouth, shocked. The page had my name, Aizah, Nanoha and Diana in a form of a cycle followed by a big red circle encircled my name and a word 'LINKED' which written underneath. "You are very special, young lady," Pharos says. Looking at Pharos with displeasing I hold up the page, "What is the meaning of this?!!"

"You were linked with your other selves from another universe. Not one but three other universes," Pharos begin again.  "It is almost impossible to find people who can actually link with their other selves from different universes. Not to mention, without creating any paradoxes or altering timelines. So far, I'd met someone just like you but she can only peer through them, 'through the possibilities' she said. But I have no doubt, she was powerful," Pharos crack a smile, a sad smile.

"Who is this 'someone' you mentioned?" I ask, lowering the page.

"The Ancient One if I'm not mistaken," he states. My eyes widen and my heart skips a beat. "Oh no," Pharos got up, "I'm sorry. I didn't mean to upset you."

"No, no it's fine," I lie, "I never met her before." And my mind reminds me, 'But I watched her.'

Pharos sit back and speak, "She was the reason the book was in Kamar-Taj." I look back at him. "She was?" Z asks, interested.

Pharos nod. "We shared and exchanged our knowledge together. Knowledge from her universe and mine...." Pharos pause and he was lost in his thoughts. Hinting that he was upset, I immediately change the subject. "Can you by any chance access my memories?" I request.

Pharos gaze at me and chuckle. "Are you trying to change the subject?" 

"Umm, yes," I whisper, embarrassed.

"Although I'm a soul, it is really important for you to know what I'm capable of," Pharos tells with a chuckle. I sigh in defeat, "Fine."

"The Ancient One and I were quite close until she told me something," Pharos pause for the second time. Z and I lean forward, curious for his next words. "She told me that she will be having an amazing student but that is not the highlight. The highlight is, she saw the possibilities in him and one of them is he having an apprentice. An apprentice who had the same magic as me, as the phoenixes. My request to drop the book into Kamar-taj was granted so that the apprentice, which is you-" he points at me, "-to read it, to master our magic."

"Woaaah," I whisper in amazement. "But you said you were torn apart, scattered around and divided. How can you still communicate with her?" I ask.

"True, I was divided. Despite that, I'm actually the last bits of his magic. The remaining fragment of his magic," he tells before producing a small firebird on his palm. "I still had my consciousness during that time till my magic drained away little by little. So I decided to travel to the astral dimension where I can contain my magic. One of the reasons I lived in the astral dimension was I can meet you, to teach you about something before I was gone, forever. I don't have much time and magic left," he got onto his feet and march towards me, "Whatever happens, don't let the darkness consume you. And most importantly, don't let them take Phoenix away from you," his amber eyes stare straight into my soul.

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