||Memorial Day||

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Memorial Day, 1952

Jackie stared out the window, and sighed.  She had agreed that at the end of the week, she would come up for Memorial day to be with Jack's family. 

Jackie agreed for two reasons.  One, she thought it would be nice to get away for Washington for a weekend and visit the Cape.  Secondly, she had given up to Jack's... persistence. 

Although she had paid for her own flight, Jackie had found that when she landed, there was a car waiting for her. 

Now, she was staring out the window, her mind jumping from one thought to the next.  

Jackie didn't know what to expect, now that she would be meeting Jack's family for the first time.  Jack hadn't really said too much about the matter, but more or less told Jackie to, "be prepared for an experience."  

Although Jackie didn't really know what that meant, she shrugged her shoulders, and decided to just go along with it.  She knew that she was going to have a good weekend.  Or, that's what she had hoped for.  Jackie liked to stay on the positive side.

Eventually, Jackie looked out the window, and soon turned down a new drive, covered with crushed shells.   The drive was covered with neatly manicured hedges, and Jackie's stomach immediately tightened. 

I'm almost here.

Jackie soon looked out the window again, and as the hedges began to part, she looked at the open clearing, as the car pulled into the circular driveway.

Looking out the window, her lips parted slightly in awe.  The compound itself was massive.  The clapboard house was painted white, and it had a porch in the front, with chairs for people to sit. 

The front yard was massive, and it was filled with people playing baseball.  Jackie squinted, and she managed to see Jack playing with what she supposed was his brothers and sisters. 

The chauffer stopped the car, and hot out of the car, and came around to let Jackie out and to meet the family. 

Dressed in a simple powder blue sundress and white heels, she stepped outside and everyone turned to see the new arrival. 

Jackie could feel her cheeks starting to turn red due to all of the attention given her way. 

Thankfully, Jack noticed her, and his eyes lit up with excitement. 

"Jackie, hi!" Jack called, and threw his glove on the ground, and raced over to him. 

At this time, the chauffer was taking Jackie's belongings and bringing them inside the house. 

"Jack," Jackie said in relief, and gave him a relatively quick embrace. 

"Jack?" An unfamiliar voice asked. 
"Who's this?  I didn't know of you were going to bring a friend."

Jack's arm snaked around his waist, and pulled her close to him.  She smiled due to his sign of affection. 

"Everyone, this is my friend Jackie.  I invited her to stay the weekend with us."

"Hello," Jackie responded, and gave a small wave. 

"Alright, let's see who's here," Jack responded, and began to point out people on the field. 

"Well, that's Teddy... And my sister Eunice," Jack responded, pointing out the two on the field conversing together. 

"Then there's Bobby, and Bobby's wife Ethel.  They're the ones who hosted the Saint Patrick's Party." 

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