|| Rifts ||

816 21 2

February 1952

Jackie flopped onto her bed, and sighed. Lee had called her before she left, telling Jackie she was on her way.

Jackie was a mix of emotions. It had been about two weeks that she and Jack had gone out for dinner.

Ever since then, everything just seemed to be a mess. She needed to solve her love crisis now.

She and John Husted had been planning to get married in a few months. Now, she didn't know what to do.

Breathe in, breathe out. You are going to fix this.

The more and more time that she had spent with Jack, the more and more she felt as though she couldn't marry John Husted.

Dinner. It was was just supposed to be a simple dinner. It was in order to test her emotions. However, nothing was Jack Kennedy was supposed to be simple.

The kiss.

My God, the kiss.

His kiss. Jackie smiled to herself. She thought about it almost every day. Everything about the kiss just made Jackie melt.

Jack was so different from the other men she had been with. He was even different from John. In the moment, Jackie knew that it wasn't right. She was engaged.

But why did it feel so right?

With Jack, he did everything so delicately, and gently.

He made me feel as though I'm the only person that mattered. The way that he put his hand on my cheek, to his soft kisses... Everything about him makes me want to know more about Jack.

Jackie sighed, and rolled over, putting her pillow over her head. It was no use.

I'm falling in love with Jack Kennedy.

Jackie let out a groan of frustration. Now, months before she was supposed to get married, Jack, the young suave politician came into her life and tore her emotions to shreds. Now, she was forced to make a choice. Jack's question back in the car was bouncing around in her head.

Do you really love him?

Well, I thought I did. Now, I'm not so sure. Jack is making me rethink about EVERYTHING. I NEED to be honest with myself. That night, with Jack in the car, I just felt so... Different. With Jack, I felt as though I could do anything. Be anything. I could be myself. His touch, his kiss... I just crave it. I NEED him. I don't feel the same way when I'm with John. I can't lie to myself. I'm falling in love with Jack, and out of love with John.

Jackie blinked. Inside her head, the choice really hadn't been too difficult to make. Thinking about it, Jack seemed like the perfect choice. Now, actually dating Jack, and breaking it off with John... easier said than done.

While Jackie was lost in her thoughts, there was a knock on the door. Lee. Thank God. Her younger sister was often the voice of reason. Unwrapping herself from her blankets, Jackie ran down the steps and opened her door for her sister.

"Come in. We've got a lot to talk about."

Shutting the door behind her, Lee looked at her frazzled sister. Jackie was pacing, biting her fingernails.

"So, what's going on?" Lee asked.

"Come, take a seat. You want anything to drink?"

Lee nodded, "Water is fine," and took off her jacket, while Jackie went into the kitchen to grab her sister a glass. After Lee sat down and upon Jackie's return with water, Lee looked at her sister, motioning for her to proceed.

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