|| Saint Patrick's Day ||

882 19 4

March, 1952

Jack was buried deep into his paperwork, concentrating on the task at hand.  Or, trying to.  Part of him was thinking about the Senate, while the other half of him was trying to focus and get the paperwork done.

Maybe if I get this done early, I can go spend some time with female company...

As Jack was going through some briefing papers, her heard a knock on the door.

Who could that be? I don't have any scheduled appointments for today.

Curious at who it could be, Jack answered, "Come in!"

When the door opened, he was a bit surprised to find Jackie Bouvier standing behind the door.

"I was in the neighborhood," Jackie responded, and walked into his office.

"Were you now?" He chuckled, and shut the door behind her.

"No, seriously. I just got out of doing an interview here with one of your co-workers. Since you so graciously introduced me to so many people at that party," Jackie started, and walked over to him.

Jack stood behind his desk, while Jackie stood in front of it, putting both of her hands on his desk and leaned over to talk to him.

"So, what's new with you? Nothing's boring when you're around," Jackie asked.

Rubbing his neck, Jack responded, "Not much. You know, I'm just preparing for a new campaign. For the Senate."

"Oh, to you, that's not much? Sounds like you've been pretty busy to me, Mr. To-be Senator."

Jack blushed softly at what she said. In order to distract Jackie from his bashfulness, Jack handed her a piece of paper, with some small ideas for his campaign written on it, in his messy handwriting.

As he handed it to her, Jack noticed something new. On her hand, he noticed that there wasn't a ring.

Curious, Jack looked up and met her eyes.

Jackie blushed when she noticed that Jack noticed her ringless hand.

"Oh," she started, and pushed her hair behind her ears. "We-I broke it off. I realized that I didn't want to leave DC and quit my job and all that."

Suddenly, Jack thought back to Lem in October, when the two were talking about Jackie. All of Lem's, if it's meant to be, it'll work out stuff really is true.  Jack couldn't help but stare at Jackie, and think about Lem, before he realized that what he must have been doing was extremely weird.  Regaining back his charm, he asked, 

"Ahh, couldn't bear to leave Washington?" Jack asked, causing Jackie to blush and say,"something like that."

"Well, I know Saint Patrick's Day is coming up.  My brother's wife Ethel is really big into throwing house parties."  

Jack knew he had to carefully think about how he was going to word what he was saying, as he didn't know how sensitive that Jackie was over the break up with her ex.  Although Jackie did break it off, or that was what he thought, she must feel bad about it, and he didn't want for Jackie to become easily upset by it. 

"Oh, really?"  Jackie had a small smile on her face, and it seemed suggestive.  "Is this an invitation, Congressman?"

"I guess it is.  So? Will you come to my brother's party? I can send you his address.  The party starts at 6:30." 

Please say yes.  Please say yes.  Please say yes.  

Jackie blushed, and nodded. "Of course, Jack," she responded. 

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