||The Train||

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March, 1949

It all started with a train ride.  A simple train ride.  Jackie had gone up for the weekend to see her father for the weekend, and now she was heading back to Washington, D.C. in order to report back to school.  Starting her college school year off in September, she hadn't had time to visit her father as much as she would have liked.  When she had the money, Jackie would often make the four hour journey from D.C. to New York to visit her father, Black Jack.  Now, it was back to the regular grind of classes consisting from foreign language, foreign literature, European history, and many other classes.  Some, she was required to take, while others were for her career.  

As she looked into the train car,  it was somewhat filled with passengers.  Many were bundled up in wool hats, scarves, and warm jackets.  Although it was March, New York's weather was often unpredictable; and a quick winter storm had blown in during the weekend.  Snow was still lightly falling outside. 

Turning her head to look out the window, she watched the snowflakes float down from the sky, the flakes floating down and softly hitting the ground, as the train moved smoothly along the tracks.  Leaning in closer to the window to get a better view of the fading city,  her breath began to fog up the window.

Jackie was so absorbed by the swirling snow outside she didn't even notice that a man had taken a seat next to her.

"It's so pretty outside, isn't it?" A deep, accented voice asked from the side of her.

Jackie whirled around, to see a young man sitting beside her.

The first thing that Jackie noticed about the man was his eyes.  They were a striking green-grey.  They drew her in, making her more fascinated by him.  They almost seemed to hold a state of child-like innocence, even though he was an adult.  

His skin was fair, and his nose and cheeks were flushed a bright pinky-red from the cold weather outdoors. 

His hair was a light-brown, an auburn color, that was neatly combed and maintained.  Although his hair was often a bit longer than what other male Americans had, it wasn't too bad.  It was cut shorter on the sides, with more hair on the top to give him a nice few locks of hair that he was able to style himself.  Again, the longer hair made it seem as though he had a child-like innocence to him, although that was far from true.  His auburn hair was speckled with snowflakes, as if he has just been outside.  After they had made contact the warm air inside the train car, the snowflakes had begun to melt.

His heavy Tweed sport coat was wrapped around him, the snow melting off the shoulders and into the warm material.

"Again, I'm so sorry about the extra snow.  I know that since you're all settled down here, it probably doesn't help that I'm bringing the cold weather back over to you," he said to her.

It suddenly hit Jackie. 

He's been talking to me this whole time while I've been staring at him since he sat down.

Quickly fumbling for a response, Jackie responded, "No, it's quite alright.  I don't mind the company.  Anyways, why are you covered in snow?  The train's been moving for a while now."

Letting out a deep chuckle, he ran a hand through his thick hair and shook his head, sending a few droplets of melted snow onto her face.

"I've been here the entire time.  I've just been standing on the edge of the train, getting fresh air. It doesn't kill you, you know.  I like the cold air.  It's much more fresh than standing around in here."  

Turning her side to face him directly, Jackie clasped her hands together and smiled.  "I guess you're right about that."  

"Well, my name's John, but you can call me Jack.  Jack Kennedy.  And you are?"  He asked, his grey-green eyes locking onto her own, and extending his own hand.  

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