|| Sailing on the High Seas ||

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Ya'll, I promise promise PROMISE that this will be the last comment for a little while. I just thought that I'd mention for those of who haven't heard, I've started a new book, called The American Fallacy! Please go check it out and give it some love!   Also, for some semblance of a posting schedule: I'm going to posting a chapter of either Oneshots or The American Fallacy once a week.  So, you should all get some sort of content once a week. Every read and vote helps! :)

Jack adjusted himself in the lounge chair, basking in the warm sunlight. Jack had put down the book he had been reading, letting the open pages rest on his chest. Jack had always enjoyed reading, as it was something that he had always loved from when he was a child.

It took him back to the days when he was sick in bed, when he was alone and couldn't play with his siblings. To the days that his mother would sit by his bedside, reading some of his favorite stories, stroking his hair while he snuggled deeper under his warm covers. Reading was something that shaped his life from such an early age. It was something that he did every day, whenever he could find the chance. While he was eating, while he was getting dressed. It was something that always took his mind off everything. However, not today.

Jack put on his sunglasses, and put his arm around his head, giving it an extra cushion. He took in a deep breath. He could smell hints of the salty water in the warm breeze. Jack closed his eyes, and exhaled, focusing on the sound of waves crashing against the shore, the plants's leaves bustling softly, and the sounds of various birds chirping softly.

He couldn't seem to get what his father said off his mind. Always be discrete. At his wedding, Joe had made it very clear that cheating was acceptable. But now, Jack wasn't sure what to do. He loved Jackie, but the there was just one thought lingering.

Can I really commit?

The thought swirled in the back of his head.

No, don't think of this right now. Of course you can, right? This shouldn't be something that's THAT hard to give up. You and Jackie are here on your honeymoon. Your sole and total focus is about her and the love you have for each other. Don't think of the negatives.

"Are you awake?" Jackie asked softly in her breathy voice, tracing a finger down his bare chest. Jack opened his eyes, shaking his head gently.

"Hmm?" Jackie let out a soft giggle kneeling to come down to his height, her fingers fluttering on his chest, her fingernails grazing his skin softly; somehow giving Jack goosebumps in the warm weather. He turned his head, pulling his sunglasses off slightly towards the brim of his nose.

"Just checking up on you," She responded with a giggle. "I saw the book go down, and I wondered if you were soaking up the warm sun, or if you feel asleep."

"Ehh, just thinking."

"What were you thinking about?" Jackie asked softly.

"Oh, it was just nothing. The Senate, things revolving around civil rights. They always need my vote on things down there." Jack replied nonchalantly, letting the lie slip off his tongue.

Well, it wasn't a complete lie. The senate did leave a lot on his mind, constantly. He still had gotten a few work calls since he had been on his honeymoon, much to his disgust. The work never stopped, and Jack knew that he would have a lot to do when he got back, but he didn't mind.

"What about you? What's going on with you, Kid?" Jack asked. Jackie, was beautiful. She was wearing a light cover-up, which stopped in the middle of her thighs. The soft wind ruffled the edges of the fabric, lifting them in the breeze. It was loosely tied at her waist. Jack raised his hand, his finger gently trying to untie the cover-up, which caused for Jackie to let out a laugh.

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