Chapter 2- Stuck in a Desk

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So what! You'reDallas Scott. People fear you. Not the other way around.

Correction, people fear Lexi. Not Dallas.

Ugh your right.

Sooner or later the bell finally rings which means Spanish was finally over. Faster than what I have expected. I guess I day dreamed the whole period. Oops.

I pack up my things and head over to my next class which is History. I don't like history all that much. It just kinda bores me and I never pay attention until I know that i'm failing.

Also today is just the day teachers go over if what we are going to do this year and they say the same thing every year basically.

I take a seat in the middle of the class and immediately put my head down in my arms. Mine as well take a nap while i'm here.

The bell rings once again and boom study hall baby. My second favorite class. I love when I have study hall at the end of the day so I can do absolutely nothing and relax.

I go to my locker first and put all of my books inside. I have no homework tonight which is a plus for me so I can train tonight.

I kinda still on the look out for Emilio because I really don't want him finding me. I mean even if he does i'll stand my ground but the think is I don't know what he's gonna do.

I close my locker and begin to head to the library for study hall. I don't understand of having a point in coming to this class. I wish I could just go home.

I walk into the library and take a seat at the couches in the middle of the room. I sit on the longer couch and my my back on the end of it. I lay my feet on the couch and lay into the corner of it and try to take another nap.

I hear people start to walk in but nothing was gonna stop me from taking this nap so I just continued to sleep.

My nap didn't last much longer because a few minutes later the couch was being lifted from the back causing me to fall face first on the ground. I hear a few voices laughing around me as I start to get up.

Once I get up I realize I should've just stayed down.

Because you wanna know who stood there behind the couch.

I'll let you take a guess.

All of the bad boys

I stood up in shock as I met faces with Ryder Brooks, Ivan Martinez, and last but not least, Emilio Martinez.

I look at Emilio and saw that he had a bandage on his nose. Did I break it? I didn't even hit him as hard as I could. Eh he deserved it.

I was soon drawn out of my trance due to someone speaking.

"This is our section and everyone knows that." Ivan says looking at me.

I look around for a moment searching for something. The three boys look at me confused for a moment.

"Well it seems to me that I can't find your name on this section anywhere. Weird." I look back up at them with them staring at me.

Suddenly the room fills with laughter. Ivan is standing there with his cheeks starting to grow red wild Emilio and Ryder are busting out laughing at what just happened.

I smirk myself holding back a laugh that I wanted to let out. I look at the boys who are practically on the ground and I see Ivan giving me a death glare.

Soon there laughter calmed down a bit and they stood up straight and faced towards me. They soon filled up the couch as I still stood in front of them with my arm crossed cocking my eyebrow up.

I Punched Emilio MartinezDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora