Chapter 19

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Last real chapter.. :(


I sat in my seat, the sense of familiarity almost overwhelming. It was my third time sitting here, almost in the exact same place, in the past couple months. I sat amidst the sea of girls, who’s screams still made me cringe, but everything was different.

The first time I had been here, I had been unhappy. I had been forced and had thought I would never want anything less than to go to a One Direction concert. And from there, everything had changed.

My second time, I had been a bundle of nerves. I had been unconfident, unsure, my mind constantly at war with itself.

And now, this third time, I was nothing but happy. With a smile on my face, I waited, that sign sitting in my lap. I felt almost as bad as them, and yet I knew that I was different, so completely different that you couldn’t think to compare me to these girls.

And when they came on stage, I couldn’t help but smile. Because I knew, whether I wanted them to be or not, this band was going to become a huge part of my life. And to be honest, the more I listened to them, the more I liked them.

The song started, as it always did, the same one. This was one I couldn’t make myself like, no matter how much I tried to make myself. The words still meant nothing to me, meant as much to me as I knew it meant to the band. And yet it caused the girls around me to erupt in a chorus of screams loud enough to cause permanent damage.

I jumped up with the rest of them as the boys walked on stage. They all knew where I would be, front and center, and most of them glanced my way. I held up my sign.

‘I love Louis, Liam, Zayn, Harry!’ All in capital letters, blocked and surrounded with hearts. Niall, of course, noticed right away and pointed it out to the other guys and then gave me a questioning look.

I flipped the sign over and watched the grin spread across his face. It had been inspired by our date earlier today, and I knew it would mean more to him, knew it wouldn’t be read like a screaming fan, but serious, exactly as I mean it.

“Niall, you are my world,” it read, an echo of his words the previous day.

And as I stared up at the boy on stage, I knew with every inch of my heart that I loved this boy.


An arm wrapped around my shoulder and I glanced up to see Liam standing there, a smile plastered on his face as he scanned the audience. I couldn't help the way my body tensed, and it took all my willpower to not shove him away. But I forced a smile on my face, slinging an arm around him, knowing that he was in no way forgiven. I found Kylie in the audience, saw her smile, the approval in her eyes, and knew that it had been worth it.

There came a break in the music, in the constant goofing arund, and I glanced over at Harry who gave me a slight nod at the unspoken question. I ran off stage for a moment, coming out again with a guitar in one hand and a chair in the other. I sat down, front and center, my eyes only on Kylie as I spoke into the microphone.

“This goes out to a very special person,” I said, adjusting my guitar. “She means the world to me, and I’ve never been happier to have her here tonight. She probably already guessed the song I’m going to sing, but I’ll sing it anyways. I love you.”

The crowd went wild.

I knew I was grinning like an idiot, and it was her  that made me this way. I could feel the happiness rollling off of her in waves, making its way over to me, sharing her joy with me. And with the starting notes being plucked by my hand I stared the song she had shared with me so long ago.

“Be still and know that I am with you, be still and know that I am here…”




I could feel the tears well up in my eyes as he played the starting notes, a smile still spread across my face. And when he sang those words, I knew he meant every one of them. It was his way of promising me that he would be there for me, that he would always be right beside me.

And I knew he would always keep that promise.

If you forget the way to go, and lose where you came from. If no one is standing beside you, be still and know I am.”

The tears did fall, tears of happiness. It was a miracle, finding this boy, us coming together. If it hadn’t been for that night, if I had never gone to London, I would never have met this wonderful boy. He would be just another face, someone who I ignored in half-interest. I wouldn’t understand his talent, his beliefs. I wouldn’t know what made him smile, what made him tick. I wouldn’t know the way he could make me feel, the words he would say that would bring me to new heights of happiness and confidence.

In a way, I knew that it was meant to happen. I knew that this was the boy for me, the only boy for me. There is a confidence in your heart when you find the one you’re meant to be with, a finality to it all. Yes, we were young. And no, it might not last forever. But in that moment, thinking of all the obstacles we had been through already, I knew we could overcome anything that life would throw away.

This wasn’t just another teen romance.

This was real.


I made my way backstage after the concert, and right into his arms. He had been waiting for me, and held me close. I breathed him in, loving his scent, loving his arms around me, loving everything about him.

“I love you,” I mumbled against him, ignoring the chorus of hoots from the rest of the boys as his lips found mine.

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