Chapter 3

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Song: Arms - Christina Perri


I paced across the room. I was no longer the calm, rational person Niall had once assumed I was. I was a nervous wreck. I couldn’t keep still, but there was nowhere to go in the cramped confines of these walls. Anxiety was building up in me and I felt like I was about to explode. Everything that had happened was finally catching up to me, and I wanted out. Now.

Niall wasn’t helping out either. The boy was confusing enough to begin with, his mind jumping around, so unpredictable. I was always wondering what he would accuse me of next. But he had settled into silence in the past hour or so that we had been trapped here. His nerves were no longer a problem.

No, the problem was his gaze, which I felt on me at all times. It was nerve wracking, knowing those blue-gray eyes were staring after me as I acted like a caged animal. I needed to get away from those haunting eyes, but there was nowhere to go.

I couldn’t take it anymore. With all the energy I could muster up, I stopped the scream from escaping my throat and walked as calmly as I could to the bathroom.

Which, if you haven’t guessed, meant I ran out of there, a tangle of skin and bones and messed up nerves as I got the hell out of that room as fast as I could.


I stared after her as she slammed the door and let out a long, sad sigh. My nerves seemed to have disappeared right as hers began. I wasn’t as calm and rational as she had been, though. No, instead I just felt defeated. Hopeless. It didn’t help that she wouldn’t talk to me. I didn’t know what we were going to do if we couldn’t get along.

My mind turned to the boys. I wandered what they were doing now. Obviously, the concert was over, though how long it had been was lost on me. There was no way to tell the time, no way to judge how long I had been passed out. I wondered if they had cancelled it after twitter time, or if they had gone on without me. Did they even know something was wrong? Or had they just assumed I had gone out for some air and were patiently waiting for me to come back?

I hoped they had someone looking for us right now. How long would it be before I was let out of here?

And then there was Kylie. She was finally freaking out, and I couldn’t just sit there and watch her. Her anxiety brought my nerves up to new extremes. She was supposed to be the calm one here, like she had been in the beginning. I didn’t know what I would do if she continued to freak out.

Actually I  did know. I would wait. Because really, what else was there?

I turned away from my thoughts, focusing on the sound of rushing water coming from the bathroom, the sound filling the once-silent room. She had been in there for a while, and her actions confused me. Eyebrows furrowing, I got up, my legs protesting after being still for so long. I winced as the feeling of pins and needs attacked my foot, the uncomfortable pain shooting up my leg with each step I took. I reached for the bathroom door, which was closed, and knocked tentatively.

No answer.

Slowly, I turned the door handle. It creaked loudly, surely giving her enough warning that I was about to enter. I peeked in, stopped, then opened the door wider. My eyebrows rose as I looked in at the scene before me. She couldn’t see my expression though. Her head was bent low under the tap, her long hair spread out over her face. The water was rushing onto her head, turning her already dark hair even darker. I watched as she clumsily tried to rub soap into her hair from the bar their kidnappers had provided. It wasn’t working too well.

I couldn’t help the chuckle that escaped my mouth.

She jumped, hitting her head on the gushing tap, which only made me laugh harder.

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