The Letter

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Just so you guys know exactly what Niall will be reading.. and why the paper she gave Liam was so important I've decided to give you guys a little insight.

Song: Dreaming With a Broken Heart - John Mayer


Dear Niall,

Thank you. Thank you so much. I honestly don’t know what I would have done without you. Throughout all of this, I always counted on you to help me get through it, and you never once disappointed me. And it was this trust in you, this complete, absolute trust, that made me fall so much harder than I ever could have imagined. It’s true. I’ve fallen for you, Niall Horan, more completely than I ever believed I could with anyone else. There’s something about you that made me want to get to know you, that first day we met at your concert. I still don’t know what it is about you that does this to me, but this feeling never went away. You are an amazing guy. You have so much talent, and a great heart. You’re everything I’ve looked for in a guy.

And that’s what makes writing this so hard. I feel so bad telling you all of this, even though I mean it with every fibre of my heart. What hurts is that I’ve been building your hopes up, and right now I’m going to have to tear that hope down.

Because I have to let you go.

And it’s because of your talent, because of everything that you have going for you that I have to do this. You’re famous for a reason, and I’ve come to see that in our short time together. And it’s not your lifestyle that’s holding me back, it’s not that I don’t want to be a part of that life.

It’s because I’d be holding you back. And I can’t do that to you. You’re got to live up to your potential and I can’t help you do that.

So I’m saying goodbye. I’m going home. And I’ll miss you. I can’t even begin to describe how much I’ll miss you. Even though right now I’m sitting in the waiting room, a couple doors away from you, I miss you already. But you have to agree with me that it’s for the best.

So goodbye Niall. Get out in the world and show them your talent. I’ll be rooting for you every step of the way.

Love, Kylie.

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