Chapter 4

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Song: Be Still- The Fray


I couldn’t sleep. Not with her pressed up against me like this, her body moving against mine with every breath she took. Her skin was warm against mine, her breathing soft, gentle. Nothing about her should have caused me trouble sleeping, especially with how tired I was. But it wasn’t that she moved to much, or snored, it was how aware I was of each of those breaths, aware of that skin, just simply aware of her.

She stirred, letting out a contended sigh and snuggling in closer. My heart thudded louder in my chest, so loud I worried for a second that she might wake up from it.

And then I felt something sharp pressed up against my thigh. I ignored it though, sleep finally overcoming me, bringing all thoughts to a sudden halt.


When I woke up the light was turned on and I had a clear view of Kylie before me. She was still fast asleep, her mouth hanging open, her hair fanned out around her. Now that it was dry, it was a mess of loose curls. Once again I felt the sharp pinch of metal pressing into my skin.

Now that the light was on, giving me a clear view of her before me, I moved back, extracting my arm from around her side and saw the glint of blue metal hanging out of the back pocket of her jeans. Carefully I reached out, making sure to grasp the metal without touching anything else and took out the iPod wrapped carefully in expensive looking headphones. I sat up and scooted back against the wall, unwrapping the headphones and putting them in my ears. I turned on the iPod and pressed play, not bothering to look at the name of the song.

A simple beat started off, soft notes of piano, a few chords of guitar. Plain. I listened to the first few words and then hit next.

The next one was the same. A plain simple beat, the words telling a story of heartbreak.

I hit next one more time, glancing down at the title this time, curious. I recognized the name immediately. The Fray. Where had I heard them before? I pondered over this for a couple seconds before I remembered Louis saying something about them. Once again, I noticed that it had the same simple chords of piano in the beginning.

“Be still and know that I’m with you. Be still and know that I am here. Be still and know that I’m with you. Be still, be still, and know…”

I found myself enjoying the simplicity of the song, the meaning behind the words. It was the exact opposite of the songs I usually sung with the band. Those were songs that were meant for teenage girls, songs that would guarantee hits. They were directed at one audience.

The song ended and the next one on was sung by The Fray, too.

I started listening but curiosity got the better of me. I clicked onto the main screen, scrolling through until I found the “Artists” menu. I scrolled through that list, which was very long. It seemed like the girl liked her music. I found The Fray first and clicked on them, seeing the huge list of songs they sang. I doubted there was a song they sung that wasn’t on here. I clicked out of that list and continued down the list, slowing down at the “O’s”.

I scrolled through them, and then stopped at the end, going back again to take a second look. Nope, there wasn’t one song on there by One Direction.

I had to admit, after all this time of her telling me she didn’t care about the band, I never truly believed her. There was a small part of me that thought that maybe she was just embarrassed to like them, or didn’t want to seem crazy or obsessive. Maybe, in her own weird way, she was trying to impress me.

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