Chapter 13

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Song: You Could Be Happy - Snow Patrol


My eyes scanned the paper in my hands for the millionth time, taking in the words once again. It didn't matter how many times I read it, how many times tears had filled my eyes, I couldn't find it in myself to part with the one thing that had brought me so much grief. I didn't know what I was looking for as I scanned it's pages, didn't know what had me reaching for it, bringing it out from the safety of my pocket, and inflicting that hurt on myself time and time again.

I just couldn't stop.

I had that letter open again, gripped firmly in my hands when the nurse came in. At first I didn't notice her, my mind so focused on the words in front of me. She cleared her throat and I managed to tear my gaze from the paper to look up and see Melody in the doorway.

She was my usual nurse, the one I had grown to know the best in my time here. She was the one that came in every day, checking the machines I was still hooked up to and bringing me more of that horrible hospital food. She was number two on my very short list of people that treated me like a normal person, not a celebrity. She had gained my respect because of that.

The look on her face was full of sympathy as she walked over to my bed, shaking her head sadly. "I know it's none of my business, but I think it's time you put that away, hun. It doesn't seem to be doing you any good."

Though her words made sense, though I knew every word she said was true, I couldn't make myself do it. I just nodded my head, unsure of what to say.

"I mean it, I can see it in your eyes. This is hurting you more than you realize, and when something is hurting you that bad, you have to let them go."

“I don’t think I can.” I clutched the letter tighter in my hands, almost afraid she would take it from me.

“I know, I know. I never said it was going to be easy. But if whatever she has to say makes you feel like this, she’s not worth it. You need someone that makes you happy, not someone that puts you down.”

“But what if she is worth it?”

“Well, then you’re going to have to go to this woman and figure that out for yourself.”

"That might not be so easy." I looked around the room awkardly, wondering why I was confiding in this old woman. And yet that didn't stop me from continuing on. "I don't even know what country she's from, let alone her last name. It's hopeless. She's gone, and I'll never see her again."

“If it’s mean to be, you’ll find her.”


The phone rang, the sudden noise making me jump in the silence. I glanced over at the phone and then turned back to the computer.

The phone hadn’t stopped ringing since I’d come home. The first couple of times I had been naive enough to answer, only to hear the screams of all my friends as they gushed about Niall. I had just hung up, not in the mood to talk about him. I doubted I would ever be in the mood, not with him.

My best friend, Annie, had come over the day I got back. She practically jumped through the door, her black curls bouncing excitedly as she pulled me into a hug. “Are you alright?” were the first words out of her mouth, said in an airy whisper as she pulled me closer to her.

I laughed, pulling away. Man, had I missed her. “I’m fine.” She was acting normal, as normal as Annie could get. She wasn’t gushing about Niall, which I had been fully expecting her to do. For as big of a fan as she was, she lasted longer than I thought she would, though eventually it did come. She waited until we were upstairs, and then it started.

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