He found the behaviour extremely annoying and overly dramatic.Sure,he was attractive and shit but the girl was willing to lick his shoe just to get into his pants which infuriated him beyond the limit.She had stared at him in a very slutty manner although she looked a lot younger than him.

"Desperate bitch.." he said loud enough for the girl to hear,even though he was already outside.

The girl seemed to have heard his insult,judging by her expression.

Just as he was about to sit down on the nearby bench,a soft raspy voice made him look over,only to notice Kihyun,dressed in some black ripped skinny jeans,a black shirt and combat boots.He released a small chuckle at his 'tough' appearance and took a sip of the energizer,still looking at the short boy with an unreadable expression.

"Who's the desperate bitch?" Kihyun questioned with a small smirk

"None of your business,little guy" Hyungwon smirked back as he leaned against the bench

"A girl,perhaps?" Kihyun questioned further,still smirking coyly

"Mhm" the tall boy nodded

"Well you can't blame her."

"Are you saying that I'm attractive?" Hyungwon chuckled lowly

"Maybe..who knows?"

"I hate it,y'know?" Hyungwon mumbled,staring into the distance

"What is that you hate?"

Hyungwon passed him a bag of chips as he sighed.

"I fuckin' hate desperate bitches."

"I guess we have something in common.."

"You seem friendly though.'Badass' or 'I hate everyone' doesn't fit you.Not at all."

"Why is that? Is it because I look like a small baby?"

"I guess you could say that..you really do look like a small baby.Innocence and purity..So..keep that..don't throw that away."

"This got angsty really quick but thanks.I will mentain my reputation."

"Hmph.You're actually listening to what I told you?" Hyungwon snorted

"You seem wise,so yeah."

"You don't know what you're talking about,little guy.I am not wise.I just don't want you to become like me.I'd be guilty if that happened and since I haven't felt that way,I wouldn't want to go through it."

"You must be pretty ignorant then.Oh!- Sorry!-"

"I've heard that a lot so it doesn't affect me at all.In fact,I can actually say that I'm immune to this"


"Don't mind it.I told you..It's fine" Hyungwon smirked


"I began to think that you're stalking me."


"You always appear everywhere I go"

"I am not stalking you!"

"Then what kind of sorcery is this?"

"I..don't know.I swear I was just coming here to buy groceries."

"It's fine,I guess..It's not like I care about being followed."

"How?! What if someone dangerous follows you and kills you in the process? You can't be this careless!" Kihyun nagged

"Trust me..no one would want to follow me"

"You never know!"


"Thank you for the cheetos by the way.I really like them" Kihyun smiled brightly in the dark place they were sitting in,making Hyungwon wonder how can someone be this happy over a cheap bag of chips.How can someone smile so brightly regardless of the circumstances.

"No problem.." he muttered under his breath,still lost in thought

"I'd love to spend more time here with you but I really have to buy those groceries.My brother would kill me if I arrive home later than I should." Kihyun narrowed his eyes


"See ya!~" Kihyun smiled one last time before his figure disappeared in the darkness,leaving a perplexed Hyungwon behind.


Why was he talking with that short boy? Why was he actually enjoying it? He wasn't exactly sure why but he hated it.

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