Then, just when I thought I had a second to catch my breath, the bigger guy grabbed me from behind.
He hooked his arms around mine, restraining me.

I kicked and struggled relentlessly.
I screamed. Partially in fear, and partially in anger.

Then, the second guy stalked over to me.
His red scarf was gone, and I could see him smirking venomously at me.

He pressed the edge of his knife to my throat while the other one held me.
No, no, no, no, no, no, no. . . I'm gonna die. . .

"So, you don't need anyone to protect you?" the guy with the knife hissed scornfully.
"Just do it, Diego" the man behind me snarled "Quit playing with her, just finish her off!"

The guy with the knife smiled. A slow menacing smile.
"Oh, c'mon Liam" Diego hissed "Boss told us a quick death was too good for her, anyway. Might as well have some fun"

"This isn't about fun. This is about finishing a job" Liam growled "There's no need to be cruel"
Well, I guess if your gonna be a murderer you might as well be a humane one. . .

"I believe I'm the one with the knife here Liam" Diego retorted nastily "And I'll do this my way"
Liam snorted "Fine, just do it already"

"Patience Liam" Diego said, smirking.
Diego turned his dark cruel eyes back on me.

"G'night sweetheart" he taunted.
Then, just as he was about to slit my throat, Diego's dark eyes went wide.

Blood began to trickle out of his mouth, and he collapsed onto the floor.
Revealing Austin standing behind him.

He had a murderous expression on his face. His silver eyes were blazing with anger.
He kneeled down and pulled his knife out of Diego's back.

Did he always carry a knife with him?

Liam tossed me aside, and I landed on the hard ground.
I rolled over onto my back, and looked up at Liam and Austin.

They were fighting intensely, both of them had knives.
Austin was clearly winning, he was not only stronger and faster then Liam. But a hell lot angrier.

Apparently, my darkness spell had worn off, because blondie was back in the game.
She stalked silently towards Austin, and pounced on his back.

While Austin was distracted, Liam threw his knife on the floor.
And then exchanged it for the wooden stake strapped to his arm.

Austin threw blondie off his back, and she landed on her ass.
Then he stalked back towards Liam.

Austin made the first move, swinging his silver blade at Liam.
It sliced Liam's forearm, a line of blood stained the already red shirt.

Liam swung his wooden weapon at Austin, but Austin backed up to avoid it.
Now, Liam had him cornered against a tree.

Liam raised his wooden stake, ready to plunge it into Austin's heart.
But, the wooden stake suddenly burst into blue flames.

Liam instinctively threw it to the ground, where it was reduced to ashes.
Smirking savagely, Austin kicked Liam in the stomach. He stumbled back and fell onto the ground.

Austin crouched above Liam on the ground, and pulled out his knife.
Grinning like a mad man, he placed the tip of the knife above Liam's chest.

Just as he was about to plunge it into his heart, blondie tackled him from the side.
He knocked him off of Liam, and the two of them tumbled on the ground.

It ended with blondie above Austin, pinning him to the ground.
Wooden stake in upraised hand.

I screamed in outrage and fear. The high pitched noise could be heard even through the wind and thunder.
Blondie winced, and Austin took advantage of her distraction.

Prince Of Blood {Completed}Where stories live. Discover now