Dirty Little Secret

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"Oh. . .I think my favorite quote from that book has got to be 'But this had been a sin of passion, not of principle, nor even purpose.'" I said, trying to make conversation.
"Mhm. . .I think my favorite quote would have to be. . . .'She had not known the weight until she felt the freedom'" he told me.

"Oh, interesting. . .why is that?" I wondered.
He shrugged, "I just understand what it means" he mumbled.

I was gonna press the issues, but instead let it drop.
I didn't think he wanted to really talk about it. . .

"Yea, so do you like it?" I asked randomly.
He shrugged, "Yea, it's alright I guess. . ."

"How can you not be in love with it!?" I demanded.
"Because it's unhealthy to be in love with inanimate objects" he told me.

"A story isn't an inanimate object, it's a fantasy" I retorted.
He shrugged, "It's still not healthy"

"Whatever" I muttered.
He didn't respond, but instead kept reading.

I gazed into the forest while he read. There wasn't much sign of life. Animals were getting ready for hibernation, and birds were flying south.
I didn't notice one bird, though. A lone black raven, perched in a tree. Cocking it's head to the side in wonder, gazing at me with a question in it's dark eyes.

I didn't really pay much attention to the bird though.
I got distracted watching the rays of sunlight playing off Austin's hair.

A few minutes later, he abrutly shut the book.
"Done" he announced.

"Wow, that was fast. How long have you been out here?" I wondered.
"Around 6 in the morning. . .I couldn't sleep" he said with a shrug.

"Why not?" I wondered.
"I just couldn't sleep" he said, oddly defensive.

"Okay then. . ." I said, noticing that this was another issue that shouldn't be pressed.
"Well, I can't sit out here anymore" he said, rising to his feet. I followed.

Once inside, Austin vanished again. Off to do God's knows what.
I, for one, just felt like relaxing. I contemplated going home, but then again, I felt more at home here.

So, I settled into the couch in the now empty upstairs tv room, and turned on an amusing reality tv show.
And, quickly drifted asleep.

*Austin's POV*

I was freaking out, completely losing it.
I was losing whatever was left of my sanity over one little fact.

The Council meeting was tomorrow.

And just thinking about my head spin and my stomach ache.
The mere thought would bang against my skull.

And, that's not just a metaphor.
It was a physical ache, I could feel it. Pain would ripple through the center of my forehead every time my heart beat.

It was impossible to forget.
Just like Council meeting, which was getting closer by the second.

The prospect haunted me, I had even lost sleep over it.
I had been up all night thinking about it.

And finally, at 6 AM I hadn't been able to take it anymore. I couldn't just sit there, letting my mind reel.
I had to do something, anything.

So, I had gone down to my father's infallible collection of books, and found one.
"The Scarlet Letter" It was Becca's favorite book, so it seemed like a good choice.

I had gone out into the dim morning light, and read.
It had proved a good distraction. The book had pulled me into the turmoils of Hester, and Arthur and Pearl. . .

Prince Of Blood {Completed}Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt