Part 77-Abby's show

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Elsie and Ali were sat at the cafe near to the theatre in the centre of Holby. It was Saturday afternoon and Zosia and Ollie were working and Elsie's Mum was sat in a different area of the Cafe with Rose, Elsie's youngest sister. "I'm so excited to see Abby perform and to spend some time with her afterwards."
"Me too, Charlie's angels together again." Elsie laughed using the nickname Rhuma the clinician at day treatment used when the three of them were there. They both laughed. Elsie fiddled with her necklace, it was a gift from the girls at day treatment since she was leaving. It was a simple chain with a circle charm that said 'stay strong'. She'd got a print for her bedroom wall which said her name and all her good characteristics like kind, generous, funny in the shape of a heart as well as a notebook the girls had filled with positive quotes. "You ok?" Ali asked her friend. "Nervous about going back to school. The two days I was transitioning last week was mainly just sorting stuff out. I didn't go to any lessons or anything."
Ali smiled sympathetically "Agata, that's Miss Yates, Was over the other day to see Zosia. She said that she was looking forward to have you back and that I should tell you that you can always go and see her if things are getting overwhelming or you just need at chat."
"We are so lucky to have a teacher like Miss Yates. She's so lovely." Elsie smiled "and you better keep in touch, just because I'm not in treatment anymore doesn't mean we're not best friends."
"I know," Ali put her arm around her friend. "You will be absolutely fine at school. Elsie, the clinicians wouldn't let you back if you weren't ready. You know that."
"I know, but what about you?" She asked. I'm truth, I was worried about being in day treatment without Elsie but I knew how anxious she was so I made a joke. "Hey, I helped you out with that history project, what did you call us Poles? Résiliant wasn't it. I'll be fine. But I'll miss you."
"Come on, come on it's almost time." Rose came skipping over. She was so excited to watch the show as her best friend Becky was in it and she was going to start dancing lessons next week. "When you watch next year I'll be in it." Rose was telling Ali and Elsie as they put their coats and scarves back on. Although the theatre was just up the street the January wind was bitingly cold.
They took their seats in the theatre about 10 minutes before the show started. It was a dance school show so there was a very vague storyline but it was mostly just a collection of dances. Even little preschoolers came on as fairies. Abby wasn't in many dances as she hadn't been back dancing long but she was by far the best in every group dance she was in, she really was incredibly talented! At the end of the show everyone took a bow then the dance teacher came on and thanked everyone for coming and all the dancers for their hard work. She continued "I have a very exciting announcement. Our wonderful Abigail has been accepted into the South West School of Ballet, a school where she will do lessons all morning and dance all afternoon. We are all incredibly proud of Abby and can't wait to see her thrive there. But for now I'll leave you with Abigail and one of her favourite solos which she says always helps her through.

"Abs! Why didn't you say anything? This is amazing news!" Ali smiled as soon as her friend emerged from stage door. The girls had already decided that they would go over to Abby's dads place, although he was working away, it was in easy walking distance of the theatre. "I only got my letter yesterday!" Abby exclaimed excitedly as she hugged her friends. "And I didn't want to say anything until it was all formal and stuff. They've been amazing, most girls board but they say I can stay with mum and commute each day until I'm all settled, so I can still go to treatment each week, I'm only going once a week now, then I can move in to the school if I want to." She was evidently over the moon.
"I've been discharged from day treatment. I'll just be seeing Rhuma twice a week!" Elsie shared her exciting news and Abby hugged her.
"I don't really have any news." Ali smiled as they started to walk towards Abby's dads flat. "Other than I'm going home for Easter."
"Home?" Abby asked.
"To Poland." A smile played on Ali's lips whenever she talked about her homeland
"You're moving back to Poland?" Abby asked shocked.
"No no, just for 2 weeks to see my family, Babcia and dziejek and my cousins. I feel settled in England for the first time ever but I am looking forward to seeing everyone. I've not seen them since my aunt Ania's funeral and that was years ago. Little Kamila was only a baby then and now she's started school ."
They all chatted for a while until there was a knock at the door. Abby opened it to Zosia and Ollie. They dropped Abby off at her mums and took Elsie home too. Zosia smiled as she heard the girls chatting excitedly. It reminded her of her happy teenage years.

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