Brenna Orleans is Jake's ex-girlfriend. She's a smart and pretty blonde, who's on the honor roll and soccer team. And I have no clue what she ever saw in my brother. She's pretty tall, around my height. She's a junior, like me. She always wears her platinum blonde hair in a high playful ponytail. And her creamy colored face is in the shape of a perfect heart. She's perky and upbeat. She's a little too goodie-too-shoes for my tastes, but she's pretty nice.

She had started going on with my brother at the end of last year. They made a cute couple, as far as looks are concerned. But, personality wise they were polar opposites, if you ask me. She was perky, organized, and a perfect citizen. Jake, on the other hand, is irresponsible, unorganized, and an under-achiever. I knew it wouldn't last. It lasted a few months, four I think. And then (by some miracle) they ended up hooking up in her car. Now, I have no clue how a smart girl like that would be dumb enough to sleep with my brother. Maybe she has father issues or something. . . But, anyway, a week after that Jake had dumped her. She'd been devastate, but had gotten over it pretty quickly. Hey, the plus side is she wouldn't have to worry about losing her virginity. And now, she was dating Nick (Austin's friend) and possibly sleeping with him too.

Now, it may sound creepy that I know that my brother had sex with his girlfreind in her car. . .
But it had been the hottest gossip at school that entire week.

And (after my eyes stopped bleeding from the mental images) I was able to get into it.
You gotta love good gossip, especially when you can use it against your brother. Like, perhaps, telling Mom? If I felt like being cruel.

"That was her choice" Jake said defensively.
"And you think the girls Austin has slept with didn't have a choice?" I retorted.

"I-uh-well, I guess" Jake mumbled, rubbing the back of his neck.
Oh my God! My brother just listened to reason! I think I might faint!

"Oh my God!" I said "You just listened to reason! I think I might faint!"
"Haha" he said, bitterly sarcastic.

"So, Jake" I sighed "Can we come to some kind of common ground. . .or something? Please, this is driving me crazy"
"I guess we can think of something" he grumbled.

"Good!" I chirped "You don't have to like Austin, but you gotta stop harassing us."
"We'll see. . ." he mumbled.

"Good, now I gotta get ready to go" I said, jumping up.
Jake grumbled unintelligibly to himself.

I ran upstairs, and changed into a royal purple sweatshirt, and skinny jeans.
Applied some eyeliner, and mascara.

Then, rushed back downstairs.
As I passed the living room, Jake's voice stopped me.

"Where are you going?" he asked.
"Austin's" I said ". . .duh"

"Why?" he asked.
"C'mon" I groaned "I thought you were gonna be nicer"

"I am. . .but as a trade off, I'm going to be extremly nosy" he elaborate.
I groaned, "Fine. . ."

"Now, why?" he repeated.
"Because he's my boyfriend" I said rolling my eyes "And because he's sick. He picked up some bug when we were at the emergency room"

I gave him a faint glare when I said the last part.
He looked a little uncomfortable.

"Uh, ummm. Tell the little punk I'm sorry about putting him in the hospital" he said grudgingly.
I smiled brightly, very pleased, "I will"

I opened the door, but paused when he spoke again.
Shut up so I can leave already!

"And remember" he added menacingly "If you sleep with him. . . I'll know"
"What are you? The Mafia?" I asked as I slipped out the door.

Prince Of Blood {Completed}Where stories live. Discover now