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Selena Pov

I come jogging down the store to grab the bag realizing I should of toke it with me but I caught up with Demi.

I jog back up stairs and opened the box, giving Demi the stick. I waited by the bathroom door patiently.

Justin Pov

After discover the pregnancy box, I decide to go to my best friend Ryan house. I knocked on the door, he answer it, wearing pjs.

J: nice!

I chuckled and he grinned

R: Aye man I haven't seen you since you went to college two years ago.

I smiled and knod.

J: Sorry man, I been busy with Selena and Drew.

He looked at me puzzled.

R: Drew?

J: Oh yeah, Selena and I had a baby boy name Drew

He smiled and pat my back.

R: Congrates.

I toke a deep breath before explanning everything. His eyes went wide

R: No man, No, It cant be true

He stand up pacing, thinking. I just felt a upsetting feeling .

Demi Pov

I waited for the stick. It gives me a positive sign, I toke deep breath and open the door to Selena waiting.

D: I'm having a baby.

She jump and hugged me. I smiled and hugged back.

I admit, I'm kind of scared but happy. Ryan and I been dating for a year and a half, I love him so much.

Selena Pov

After Demi left to go home to think, I pick up Drew and feed him his afternoon bottle. Then I play with my little man. Hours pass and he fell asleep on my chest, I decided to give Justin a call.

Justin Pov

Ryan and I decided to play the game to get our minds off of the situation. That until Selena called me. I stare at the caller ID. I slid the green button and put the screen against my ear.

J: Hello?

S: Hey baby I got great news

Oh great she pregnant,What so great about it, it's not mine.

I rolled me eyes. And played off.

J: Oh really? Well then you should meet me at the beach at 10. We can talk .

S: Okay, that's a great idea, I'll tell you then.

J: I'll be at Ryan till then

S: okay babe, I love you

J: I love you too.

I handed up, putting my hands throught my hair.

R: What is happening?

J: Selena has news to tell me

I rolled my eyes and feel super depress

R: Oo man, what are you going to do?

J: I love her but I can't take care of somebody else baby so I have end it before she tell me so I won't fall for her sobbing.

The feeling in my gut feels weird.

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