Pregnancy Oopsys

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Justin Pov

Hmm Selena sure left early with Demi, strange. She told me she has a girl thing to do. I don't bother asking.

I went in the nursery to see my lil man still asleep. I picked him, supporting his head. I grab the bottle i made and sat in the chair. I put the bottle nip on his lip and he open his mouth. I set the bottle in his mouth and he drink his bottle. His eye lid popped up and he stares at me. Then his little hand grab my thumb as he drink his bottle. I softly set a kiss on his forehead.

Selena Pov

I drove to the nearest store. I parked.

S: Just stay in here Dem

I got out and went in the store. I searched for a box that state pregnancy test. A Hah! I found it and pick it up. I wait in line then set it on the counter and grabbed the money. The cashier gave me an odd look but I shrugged it off and grab the bag.

I then got in the car and drove home.

Demi ran to the bathroom puking, I set the bag on the kitchen counter and ran to the bathroom to hold her hair.

Justin Pov

After feeding Drew, I put him in his nursery and singed him a lalaby. I jogged down the stairs. I looked out the window and notice the car in the parking lot. Selena must be home. I went to the kitchen and grabbed a baggle. My eyes wonder off to a plastic bag. Hmmm. I looked around to realize Selena not around. I force my nosy self to the bag, I opened to see a clear view of a box that say pregnancy test.

What! Selena can't be pregnant! She just had Drew and we haven't had sex!

What if... she cheating. Oh gosh Selena! 

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