The dream

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Justin Pov

I opened my eyes to something that doesn't seem real but felt so true in my mind.

I followed a green light from distance, I was bare footed in my Pj. The floor, walls, ceiling wad white but that didn't bother me. I got closer to the end of the light, there were cries.

At the end of the light, there were a child. I bend down to that child.

J: Hey little boy, whats wrong

The child turn, he look just like me as a child.

J: What's your name?

??: I'm Justin

J: Justin? That's my name, Why are you crying?

??: My brother died and it's my fault.

I look at him and he seemed to fade.

J: Wait! What's happening?!

The boy disappear and another green light appear. I followed it till I got to huge mirror that stand infront of me. I look at my reflection.

J: Oh gosh Justin!

The reflection seem to fade into another figure of me but into different clothes and a smirk upon the reflection face.

J: Ja-Jason?

Ja: That's right bro

He came out the mirror. I wasn't scarried, I was confuse and happy.

Ja: Justin... it's not your fault over your death, I didn't want you to know. I thought if you knew then you would want to get close to me, if you got close to me than the death would been hard.

I've looked down with tears daring to fall.

Ja: But I realize, you're my other half, of course you'll take it hard.

He touch my shoulder.

Ja: I'm not leaving you Justin, I'll always be here for you, only you.

A smile appear on my face.

Jason figure seemed to be fading.

Ju: Wait Jason! Don't leave!

Ja: I got to brother, but I will be back, I'm not crosing to the light until I full fill my goals

He then disappear, I sit in the lonelysome room. Everything turning black, I try to run as the room got darker.

Soon the room was black and silent.

I suddently see a light and hear a voice calling my name. A female voice.

Selena Pov

I woke up to Justin crying in his sleep, I tried to wake him.

He finially opened his eyes, he hade stain tear and a fright expression. He soon change his expression and gave me a reasuring smile. I didn't want to ask because I thought it'll cause problems or it'll be hard to discuss it. He'll tell me when he's ready.

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