Kiyomi Ouma - Origin

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Kokichi rubbed the sleep out of his eyes as he rose from his bed.

Where's Shuichi?

He stumbled out of bed, walking down the hallway, tripping every five or so steps.

Kokichi finally made it to the living room, where Shuichi was on his computer, searching up....something.

His glance fell on the gold ring on his finger.

It's been seven years since they graduated Hope's Peak, and four years since they got married.

If you asked Kokichi if he would change anything from those seven years, he would say nothing.

Kokichi strolled up to Shuichi, "Morning, Shumai!~"

Shuichi glanced up at him, pressing a kiss to his cheek, "Morning, Kichi."

"What're you searching u-" Kokichi's words died in his throat.

On the computer screen was a site for adopting kids.

Shuichi looked away, rubbing the back of his neck, "I've been thinking about it for a while. Do you want to adopt a child with me?"

Kokichi lit up, "Yes! We'll be the best parents ever!"

Shuichi laughed, "Well, we should head down then."

Kokichi ran to their room to get changed out of his pajamas, Shuichi following.


The married couple walked into the building, being immediately greeted by two of the workers, one male, one female.

"Hello, we would like to adopt a child," Shuichi started. The female worker faltered.

"What age group do you want?"The female asked, with a very obvious fake smile.

"Ages four to six," Kokichi answered, clinging onto Shuichi.

The male one elbowed her, "Follow us!"

Shuichi and Kokichi followed the two further into the adoption center, holding hands. The two workers led them to a room labeled 'Ages 4-6'

"Kids!" Shouted the female worker ahead of them, "Someone would like to adopt one of you!"

Immediately, several kids shot up and ran over.

The female introduced them, starting with a blond girl that was jumping up and down.

"This is Himari!"

A boy with dark green hair stared up at the adults.


Shuichi tuned out the rest of the introductions.

Shit move, I know.

A girl sitting in the corner of the room caught his eye.

"Who's that?" Shuichi pointed at the girl.

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