I am all kinds of confused today. Leo must notice this too because he chuckles and glances at me from the corner of his eye before returning to the road.

"You seem like you don't care about others but you actually do. You're like—" Leo hums, trying to find the right word. "A silent protector."

I open my mouth to argue but end up shutting it in shock. When he puts it like that...I actually sound kind of cool.

Leo doesn't know that it was actually me who scared him off. He doesn't know what else I do, but it still rings true. No one knows it's me. No one thanks me. I don't get anything out of it other than knowing I did the right thing, which is enough for me so...it's kind of true, I guess?

I want to thank him for his kind words but nothing really comes out. I end up leaning against the door, pressing my forehead to the glass in hopes to cool my warming face. Leo says nothing more either, our ride returning silent, but this time, a comfortable one. The buildings and alley's pass one by one and, honestly, many of them hold memories of mine. Memories that no one knows about but me.

A silent protector, huh? I like the sound of that.

There's no conversation leading all the way up to our arrival at a local restaurant. Once parked and inside the place we're taken to a table. When our waitress is gone there is only one word to describe the atmosphere.


Leo is sitting across from me with his menu up, hiding his face like a spy in a rip off James Bond movie. All I can see are his fingers clenching the sides while I'm leaning back into the booth, arms crossed and the menu sitting on the table before me. I already know what I want because I get the same thing the majority of my time. Mom hates it. Whatever, I'm a simple man with simple needs.

I'm not sure if the atmosphere is better or worse when our waitress returns to get our order. She smiles, takes said order and leaves, but Leo keeps the menu up. I cock a brow. He does realize that's weird, right?

"You going to hide behind the menu all night?" I ask, grinning after watching his hands tighten. Slowly, he lowers his shield, revealing quivering blue eyes that leave me very confused and somewhat worried.

"Sorry," Leo says while sitting the menu aside. He rests his hands on the table, twisting his fingers together.

Silence seems to be our favorite pastime, which is mostly my fault. I will easily take the blame for it. My mouth has two settings, blunt and silent, both of which get me into more trouble than I want them to. Leo can't seem to remember how to use his words while, let's be honest, I never learned to properly use mine. Music is playing in the restaurant, loud enough to hear, but soft enough to speak. One would think it'd help the tension but it doesn't. Maybe if they played good music it would.

I'm confused on what Leo wants. Surely he asked me to go out to eat for a reason. There is the crazy idea that, possibly, he does have some sort of crush on me. Why and how? No clue, but his actions point at it as a possibility. Then there's the chance that isn't it and it leaves me baffled on what else it could be.

"You're probably wondering why I asked you to hang out," Leo finally speaks up, hitting the nail right on the head.

"Sure am."

He chuckles, rubbing the back of his neck nervously before sitting his hands atop the table again. Once more he's twiddling his thumbs, staring at the bread basket in front of us like it holds the answers to life. Hey, I love some bread and butter, but I don't know if it can explain the fabric of the universe, even if you stare at it like that.

"The thing is, I've been seriously considering moving into the dorms for college."

That's shocking to hear and it must show on my face because Leo gives an anxious smile. I don't know why he's telling me this, maybe he needs someone to talk to? But he has a million and one friends so I don't get why I'm the one he's confiding in. Do I look like therapist material? Cause, no, I'm probably in more need of one than I am to act like one. Still, I feel this obligation to be a bit serious considering it is...y'know, serious.

Invisible BoyWhere stories live. Discover now