Chapter 4

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The buzzing of her phone made Ava open her eyes sleepily. She slapped at her phone to little effect, then rolled over, opened her eyes and picked it up, pressing the "Stop" button. Closing her eyes, she rolled back again, sighed, then jumped out of the bed.

After a brief frenzy to brush her teeth, fix her hair, and throw on a random outfit, Ava grabbed her bag and ran out the door, yelling, "Bye, Mom!" She ran down the sidewalk, rushing until she checked her phone again and realized she still had time.

Slowing her pace, she finally reached Jenny's house. Jenny was just closing the door and waved when she saw Ava. Jenny soon joined Ava, her curly hair tied back behind a headband.

"Ready for school?" she asked.

"Never," Ava replied, with a forlorn shake of her head. Jenny smiled.

Walking side by side, they made their way to the school, with Jenny chatting about the weather, random news about other students she'd heard over the weekend and with Ava making comments here and there.

As they walked through the back parking lot of the school and stepped their way through the once-lawn-now-dirt area in front of the school entrance, Jenny gasped in mock surprise, tapping Ava's arm with the back of her hand.

"Look! Your new favorite person!"

Ava raised an eyebrow at her and turned in the direction of where Jenny was conspicuously motioning her head towards. She groaned and elbowed her friend.

Evan was standing by one of the nearby portable buildings, leaning against the railing, and chatting with a few friends. He laughed at something one of them said, then nodded in agreement.

"Jenny, returning a cat doesn't mean instant love," she said, with a pained expression of embarrassment.

Jenny grinned, "Come on, it's fun to have a crush every once in a while. Besides, he's not the worst choice for one."

Jenny viewed having a crush as one of the most essential fun pieces of drama in high school, with her own crush changing every week. Ava had to admit, it was fun, but not as much when it was obvious and about herself.

Evan turned at that moment, to wave to someone behind them who had called his name. His eyes, no longer hidden behind bulky glasses, caught her own, and a small smile played over his face. Jenny giggled.

Blushing, Ava said pointedly, "And... we're leaving now," pulling her friend into the crowded hallways of the school.

~ ~ ~

Thank you for reading! I'd love to hear from you guys and what you think! More chapters coming soon. :)

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