how you met

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For some reason, you decided to let your best friend set you up with her boyfriend's best friend. You had never met the guy before but according to her he was 'cool and really sweet'. You had just gotten out of a relationship a month prior and needed to get back out there. So you thought 'fuck it'. You were going to meet him at a little sandwich shop that was close to your house because there was no way you were going to give a stranger your address. When you got there, you were slightly shocked to see Brandon. He was cute and charming and overall a really nice guy.


(this is kind of for my fellow Hispanic people but like if your anything other than Latino then just replace tía with Aunt. cool)

You were five and had to go to your Tía's house because your parents were going on a date night. Your Tía wasn't really your Tía. She was your mom's best friend. "Mama, por qué tengo que ir a casa de mi tía?" you whined from the back seat of your parent's car. She had only ever come to your house and you never really talked to her. You rather stay with your mom and dad. "Hush mija," your mom called from the back of her seat. When you got to your Tía's house, you were welcomed with open arms and a new friend, Edwin.


Unlike your friend, you couldn't skate and were actually quite clumsy, but she dragged you to the skate park none the less. You sat on top of one of the ramps and watched her have fun. After a few minutes, she stood in front of you with a slight frown. She felt bad for dragging you there since you weren't really doing anything. Her solution to this. Have you learn how to board. That was a mistake. Just as you were getting the hang of it, you turned back to look at her. Before you could even turn your head back around, you crashed into another body falling completely on them. Mortified, you tried to help them up and apologize, but Austin blamed himself.


You were new to town and new to this dance studio. You walked into the lobby and saw no one at the front desk. Looking around, you saw a long hallway with many doors. All you knew was that you were supposed to go to studio 14. As you walked down the hall, you looked through the door windows. Most had classes being taught. Finally, you reached the room that you had booked. You went through your routines and practiced a bit of improv. As you danced, you lost track of time. Going over your tap balance exercise for what felt like the thousandth time, you couldn't hear the door handle click. Suddenly there were five boys standing behind you. One of which was Nick.


You pushed through the crowd of dancing teenagers in search of your friends. You lost your group when you went to the bathroom. You had no idea where you were considering one of your friends invited the group. All you knew about the host was that he went to the other high school in your town. Luckily you got out of the crowd and ended up in the kitchen. Looking around to see barely anybody in this area, you decided that you needed to take a break from your current in order to find water. There was no way in hell that you were drinking. You did not need an ass whooping from your mom when you came home tonight. As you raided the fridge, a voice from behind you startled you. "Do you need anything?" Turning around, you saw the host of the party, Zion.

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