Stuck up celebrity

Start from the beginning

For a few moments it's totally silent and he just stares at me wordlessly, his eyes wide and his mouth slightly agape. Okey, okey. Say something. Anything! Just don't stand there like an idiot! "Why so surprised, Mendes? You really think I would miss your birthday?" I chuckle, trying to break this weird silence.

I could feel that I started to blush as I hear him mumble an 'Oh my god', before he stand up to approach me. Not knowing how to act we stand in front of each other, him scratching his neck and me chewing on my bottom lip.

„Hey." Shawn says and I smile lightly. "Hey Shawn. Happy birthday." I reply, avoiding eye contact as much as possible because it makes me uncomfortable when everyone stares at us. Shawn seems to notice that because he shortly glares at them before he focuses back on me.

„Thank you. Uhm... should we go onto the balcony for moment?" He asks, pointing towards the glass door. I was about to decline but Brian shakes his head at me from behind Shawn. Alright... I don't even get why I am like that. I know Shawn like the back of my hand.
Or maybe knew...

„Yeah, sure." I smile and he returns he gesture before leading me towards some padded chairs next to a fireplace. "You can sit wherever you want." Shawn says and I nod, taking a seat on one of them. "Do you want something to drink?" He asks, playing with the ring on his finger.

I have to hide a smile because of it. He always did that when he was nervous. "No, thanks." I answer, causing Shawn to sit down aswell. Mesmerized of how big his place is, I let my eye wander over the balcony. A pool, plants and matching furniture. I'm impressed. I wonder if he decorated it alone.

„My mom did most of it. I only bought a lamp and a table to be honest." Shawn laughs slightly, probably realizing what I must think. A smile tugs at the corners of my lips but I remain silent. We keep sitting there in silence.

What now? I didn't think further as Brian asked me to come here. I actually planned on already being gone again. Should I ask about his family? Or tour? Yeah. That's a good start, right?

„So... how's tour?" I question, fumbling with the end of my dress to prevent my hands from trembling. Shawn's head snaps up and he looks at me, seeming slightly shocked that I was the first one to speak.

„Tour? Oh uh... great. Yeah, really. It's cool to travel a lot and to meet all the fans." Shawn mentions, making me nod. "That's good." I smile. "Yeah." Again silence drapes over us, causing me to think wether I should stay or go. I guess, we aren't like we used to be anymore.

Maybe we changed... I mean, look at him. His smile is still the same but he seems taller and he is definitely even more muscular and his hair longer. We act like we haven't seen each other for two years not five months.

I get pulled out of my thoughts as I notice how long I have been staring already. Blinking a few times, I pry my gaze away from him. "Well, I actually have to go now. I uh.. have some things to do. Have fun today." I say, before I stand up and brush down my dress while Shawn rises from his seat too.

Smiling, I wave goodbye before walking past him but again, I'm getting hold back by a hand clutching my wrist. "Y/n, wait.-" "Shawn, I'm late. I have to." I say, feeling how my heart flutters at his soft touch. What the hell is going on with me today?

„Please. Just five minutes." Shawn begs, making me sigh but give in eventually. "Alright. What's up?" I ask, slipping my hand out of his grip to cross it with the other one in front of my chest. I watch as he averts his eyes to the ground, biting his lower lip while thinking what to say.

„Shawn, I don't really have time." „I'm sorry." He suddenly blurts out, making me frown. „For what?" I question, already knowing what he means but I want to hear it from him. If I'm mad? I don't know.

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