I smiled and shrugged.

I soon felt his body press against my back and his hands grip my waist and I tensed up. Jordan had been trying to get intimate all week but I wasn't really feeling it. I was scared to admit he didn't exactly turn me on anymore. Scared to admit it to myself rather than him.

His lips pressed against my neck tenderly and I pushed against him slightly as I turned around. "Maybe another time." I told him, pecking his plump lips before I began to dress.

He mumbled something under his breath and turned to get our bags for the car.

I don't know what was wrong with me, Jordan and I never had any problems when it came to our sex life, even when he was a little bitch to me. I just couldn't seem to get in the mood anymore for him and I knew it was bugging him out.

"Well come on then," Annabel grunted as she walked into my room. I rose a brow at her sudden attitude and buttoned my jeans.

"And who do you think you're talking to, little miss?" I asked her, walking with her down the stairs. She mumbled a sorry and grabbed my hand. For four years of age, she sure had an attitude problem.

I squeezed her hand in mine as we approached Harry's front door. I felt like I was giving her away- it was weird. This is what it would be like if Harry knew she was his and we shared custody. I'd be dropping her off every weekend and - oh god, no thank you.

I slung her bag over my shoulder before knocking loudly on the door.

"Hi, dear." Aria greeted me. She looked tired and ..not her usual self.

"Hi," I replied. I stared at her a bit longer before I realized I was staring. "Oh! So, here's her bag."

I rose the pink tote bag to Arias hand but she declined, "You're better off giving it to Harry, I won't be here this weekend. I have an away trip for work." She explained.

"Oh.." I mumbled. "Where is he?"

"Playroom with Noah." Was all she said before she disappeared down the hall.

I walked with Annabel down the hallway until we got to the playroom and pushed open the door. "Harry, I have Annabel's Stu- woahh." I stopped in my tracks.

Harry was crying.

I almost felt bad, almost. But then I came back down to reality and turned on my heel with Annabel. "Nope."

"Wait!" He called. I sighed, my shoulders slumped as he emerged from the room, wiping his face.

"Aria and I just had a fight. I'm okay- not that you care- but please let Ana stay. Noah has been looking forward to this all week." He pleaded.

I looked to Ana, then to Harry. "Fineeee."

I handed him her bag as he smiled, his red yes distracting me. Maybe I did feel bad..I wonder what they fought over.

"So, this has her clothes, pjs, toothbrush, spare clothes, spare clothes for the spare clothes...uh....her blanket she uses to sleep, her teddy." I listed off everything to him.

He smiled down at Annabel who was clinging to my leg, obviously frightened of Harry's state.

I snapped my fingers in front of Harry's face. "Pay attention, curly."

He nodded and watched me sternly.

"This list is important. It has everyone's number on it that you'd ever need, especially mine. I want a picture text every two hours to know she's okay. " I finished.

I handed the paper to Harry and frowned. I really didn't feel right leaving her here with him, especially in his state, but it was too late.

I knelt to Annabel's height and took her hands. "Be good for Harry, okay? And have lots of fun. Tell Harry to call me if you miss me and please, please, pleaseeeee for the love of god, do not throw one of your fits. Got me?" I asked her sternly.

She nodded and a wide smile spread across her face as she hugged me. "Bye, momma!" She yelled, running off to Noah.

I stood to my feet with a sigh. "Harry watch her, always." I warned him.

He nodded, "I'm not dumb."

"She gets into everything. You take her eyes off her for two seconds and she's doing something crazy." I warned him, my eyes focused on his harsh stare.

"Mae, I will take care of her. Now go have fun, enjoy your weekend, don't make more babies." He winked, walking me out. "And remember she's in safe hands. I care a lot about her, and you.." he trailed off.

I stared at him dumbfounded. Where did that come from?

He snickered. "Gotcha. Now please, go." He pushed. The last thing I saw was Harry's menacing wave as I walked down the driveway to Jordan's car.

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