We were happy by fascinatedbytay

Start from the beginning

"I knew there would be people here, thought everyone was out on vacation or something." I muttered, looking in the distance. 

"You run here?" He tilted his head, looking down on me, in a quizzical tone. 

I crossed my arms over my chest, standing in the sidelines, shrugging. "Sometimes." I gave a short reply. 

And then in one quick moment, he pulled me away, forcing me to run behind him. I was obviously startled by his action at first, but acted quick anyway. We were running around for about an hour or so, burning body weights as we went. 

Later in the afternoon, we decided to meet up again. Not to attend classes obviously, he told me to go to the main building in campus. It was almost down when I got there, the sky hadn't turned dark yet, but I knew it would be soon when that happened. I had no interest to ask what we were going to do over there so I obliged. He already waited by the bridge, with the flannel hung around his waist. His black shirt showed every muscle in his body. 

I put my arm on the railing of the bridge, cocking my head to the side to look up at him. "I think it was a bad idea to come down here. I can see our classmates down there." My eyes looked in the distance, where the gazebo was lied. A couple of students looked our ways, but I just pretended I didn't just see them.

He looked down at me. "They are so jealous," He remarked, letting out a mocking scoff. 

"And we are so busted." I retorted, noticing that the professor was now looking at our direction. He noticed it too and took me by the hand, running into the building's elevator. 

The elevator was moving up slowly, making the tension between us pretty darn clear. Too bad, there was a transparent glass window overlooking the lake so we couldn't do anything crazy even if we wanted to. The mass of people on the ground were watching us intently, making the ride to the top of the building even harder by the second. 

Finally, we arrived at the destination.

The elevator dinged and it opened immediately. I got out of it, with him trailing behind. Hesitating whether to walk ahead of him or wait until he decided where to go. 

At the end of the day, it was my eyesight that took me completely off guard as soon as I saw the beautiful flowers by the railing, moving my feet almost immediately, with my phone already taken out of my purse- ready to take a picture. 

Leaning on the white railing, he was watching me closely, his eyes asked a million questions as to why I did just that. "You take pictures?" He asked.

I was finally done admiring the picture I'd just taken. Surprisingly, I only needed to take one, usually, I had to take more than one just to get the perfect shot. "Yeah, it's fun." I shot him a quick reply, still scrolling through my phone, attempting to filter the picture I just took.

"That's nice; so, why did you have to attend summer classes?" He threw in another question, standing on the side of the railing, while every then and now, looking at the sky.

"Cause I want to graduate in time." I answered, casually, in a duh tone. 

He chuckled, "Obviously. So how come that you don't know me at all when we're in the same classes almost every single semester?" He asked again.

Starting to think this was an intervention against me, but instead of calling him out for doing such a thing, I formed a thin smile across my face. "Maybe cause I sit in the corner all by myself and never pay attention to my surroundings?" I stated, shrugging. 

"Fair enough," He said, looking away from me, into the orange-colored sky. "You know, I'm surprised we never got partnered together. Considering, the many group projects we have to do." He added.

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