Thank You

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Dear Readers, 

I want to thank you.

Not only for just reading this book, but also for the stars, sweet comments and progress. 

Progress? Yes, progress.

While reading my first chapters, I noticed that it was very different from my last few chapters. I think they are quite cringy, but, I'm glad it's a little bit better now. I still can't imagine how you guys read it all the way to here! :0

I guess I also made progress with myself. Because when I started this book, I was in a period of my life were I didn't feel really happy about much things, including myself. At this moment, ten months from when I started writing, I feel a lot better and happier. 

Not only because much things changed and because of music, but also because I could escape reality and write for fun. So thank you guys for commenting or giving stars or just reading, because I kept on writing and feeling better in time. :)

Now on to something very different, because I have a question. 

Shall I write a book 2 about this story? 

I'm really curious what your answers will be, and of course you can always ask me questions too :)

(I actually hope you guys want me to, because it was really fun to write lol.)

Thus, thank you guys so much and have a nice day :)

Love, Eomma--Jin 

Love, Eomma--Jin 

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"In love with a vampire" Jimin AU Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin