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Kim Taemin's POV

I'm on my office well Im a lawyer you know then suddenly Soo ji texted me

       I'm on my office well Im a lawyer you know then suddenly Soo ji texted me

Rất tiếc! Hình ảnh này không tuân theo hướng dẫn nội dung. Để tiếp tục đăng tải, vui lòng xóa hoặc tải lên một hình ảnh khác.

/Soo ji came in/

Soo ji: Ya! here's the cake she wanna give to you

Me: Why would she do such a thing? Its not even my birthday

Soo ji: You know she loves you...

Me: until now?You know she's just waisting her time liking me.. She don't know right?

Soo ji: no.. you do love her aren't you?

Me: WHO? LISA? no way...

Soo ji: You know she'll get hurt once she knew about your secret

Me: uhuh

Soo ji: That's why you dont have any plans to tell her

Me: uhuh

Soo ji: anyways, here's the cake\

Me: I shall throw it

Soo ji: You shouldn't! If you gonna throw it.. Open the box first/left/

I opened the box and saw the cake with a writings of "Wait for me tonight,please" in a green syrup. I didnt throw the cake but the box yes. I took my phone to call someone while leaving

Me: Haewon? Where----

(A/N: Haewon is just someone suspicious. Haewon is not a member of Blackpink)

Lisa's POV

I'm on the plane sitting and saw a man or a boy?? he's age and mine maybe the same. He took a laptop from his bag and watched. He's watching meteor garden wearing an earphone

Me: Mwo? why is Li Zhen with Dao ming si inside the bedroom?? What is going on here? Hmmm what are they saying I can't hear them.

Boy: Here

He shared me his earphone while glaring to me

Boy: Ming si kissed Li zhen, you know

Me: Mwo?? Omo... Im still in ep 3... can we go back at ep 3?

boy: /savage/

Taemin's POV

I went to the airport with Soo ji noona while me wearing a black cap and a mask pretending to be noona's driver/ service so that Lisa won't recognize me

I went to the airport with Soo ji noona while me wearing a black cap and a mask pretending to be noona's driver/ service so that Lisa won't recognize me

Rất tiếc! Hình ảnh này không tuân theo hướng dẫn nội dung. Để tiếp tục đăng tải, vui lòng xóa hoặc tải lên một hình ảnh khác.

I saw Lisa with a lot of bagage and helped her with those. She stared at me and I feel like she recognized me.

Lisa: ung?? /stares/ eh.. Thank you...

Me: /nods/

Lisa: nae... unni!! Soo ji unni!!! Where's Taemin oppa??

Soo ji: /looks at Taemin/ I dont know where he is... \

Lisa: Did you gave him the cake?

Soo ji: eoh!

Lisa: I wonder where he is now..

Soo ji: You know he might be here now.. but you don't know where. Anyways, let's go home

Lisa: hmmm araseo..

Soo ji: Taemi---- I mean driver man let's go home now. To my house

(Taemin: driving)

Lisa: Unni! How's Taemin oppa? Is he good? healthy? still handsome?


Soo ji: hehe of course but I think he got uglier than before

Lisa: mwo?? aisshhh unni he's not ugly huh..

Soo ji: owww

Lisa; How about Min jee oppa? Do you still like him?

Soo ji: Mwo?

Taemin: pfstttt


Lisa: Aisshhhh... Its not like everyone will know its just the two--three of us..driver man, what's your name? hmmm looks like someone texted you.. Ill go get it..

Taemin: NO!!

Lisa: mwo? o--ok

Taemin: *parked the car*

Rất tiếc! Hình ảnh này không tuân theo hướng dẫn nội dung. Để tiếp tục đăng tải, vui lòng xóa hoặc tải lên một hình ảnh khác.

Taemin: *parked the car*

Soo ji: lisa!!! We're home!! Driver man, GO HOME....

Grandeur of CavalierNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ