are we both losing our minds...

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He flies to London for the assignment for "Say No" and the gig. He was initially gonna stay there for three days but pushes it day by day. Eventually, a week passes and he is still not back. We talk every day though we had a fall out two nights ago and things are rocky.  Both of us being stubborn to say anything concrete as I feel I haven't done anything wrong and I guess he feels the same. 

At dinner at Max&his wife's place that night Max gets a phone call from him. I am on the floor playing with the toddler who is eating avocado and manages to mess up my shirt. As I walk to the bathroom to wash it off I hear Max talk in the bedroom.

M: "Liam... I know but, that's not your problem. That's her problem. And Rebeccas has always been dramatic. - I think you should leave all that and come back here. The whole thing is pointless it seems anyway. - Where is Robert anyway?

I wait outside till he hangs up and comes out to the hallway,

M: Shit! Harper!

H: Whats going on Max? - I was sick to my stomach. I cant believe what I just witnessed.

M: Nothing

H: Max doesn't fuck with me.

M: You should talk to Liam. It's not as bad as it sounds

H: Oh yeah! It sounded pretty fucking bad to me.

M: It's not. I promise. Call him. Talk to him. It's not that bad.

H: You fucking assholes. - I said unbelievably and stormed down the hallway and out the door, slamming it behind me. I walked home for two hours in the breezy New York night as I had left behind both phone and wallet, and jacket. 

Shit! How could this happen? I couldn't believe what was going on. Like someone had taken my heart and was squeezing it, I was hurting more with each step I took. FUCK! How could I be so blind? How could I fall for all that? How could I believe him? He was all the time too good to be true. Fucking lying cheating bastard. And with his ex!!! This is not happening. This is not my life.

Leah got scared when she saw me come into the apartment

Leah: Omg Harper! What happened?

I couldn't hold it in any longer. I just broke down completely in her arms there in the hallway. We stayed up talking but, I guess I fell asleep sometime in the early hours because the next thing I knew Leah was standing over me trying to wake me up, all pale.

Leah: Harper... Harper... Harper honey...

H: Whaat?! - said a mumbling

Leah: Harper look at me

H: Nooo - I was twisting and turning, taking the pillow over my head

Leah: Harper you have to get up, something happened.

My eyes shot wide and I got up

H: What is it?

Leah: Your mother just called... she had tried you a couple times... Your father is in the hospital. He had a heart attack.

H: Omg - put my hands over my mouth

Leah: He is ok now. But still in the hospital under observation.

H: Omg

Leah: Come on. I booked you a flight at 10 AM, so we should get going

I nodded in her embrace.

After spending the whole day at the hospital with my dearest daddy, mum drove me home before she would return to the hospital. She was sleeping there, to be near him. Even though they are my parents I often thought, and the more as I got older, that it was adorable how they were gentle and cute with each other, even after 35 years together. 

I want that. I was sure I would have that with Liam. How wrong could I be? Fuck! I can't believe what's going on. A week ago I was the happiest girl in the world swaying at the highest point in our relationship and today I was a shell of myself. I guess this whole thing with dad put things in perspective and I decided to write him a text. I had to say something no matter how much it hurt. He was probably sleeping anyway since it was 04 AM in London so he will not see the text for a couple of hours.

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