I love you

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A month later and I still feel I am living in a teenage dream. Liam and I are at our high point in the relationship, it feels I am swaying on pink skies day in and day out. It might also have something to do with that we are living together, at least for the time being. He is in Nyc renting an apartment and studio where he will record and half produce his next album.

Max is also in the city, who is Leos longtime friend, business partner, unofficial advisor and co-producer, flown in from London with a toddler and a pregnant wife for the next three months. So I was aware that a few people had sacrificed a lot so that Leo could be here, with me. :) 

One day I am on my way to the studio as I brought them lunch. My office is only two blocks away so we often lunched together. As I am approaching the entrance to the studio, which was in a huge private typical Nyc skyline building, I heard a voice I didn't recognize. I stand outside and listen to the conversation.

K: I mean you have a studio at home in Scotland that you built so that you didn't have to rent studios around the globe. Its cracking your budget. Money that could be spent elsewhere, Leo. I mean renting an apartment and a studio in New York fucking city ain't cheap. And you know that. The numbers will easily fly up to 20M... at the minimum.

L: I don't know what you want me to say, Kevin.

K: I want you to reconsider before signing final lease contracts. Think this through Leo. It's important.

L: I have given this a lot of thought... My girl is in Nyc, therefore, I need to be in Nyc.

K: Its just a girl Leo. There is plenty of fish in the sea. And you are a global superstar. Do you really think she is the one for keeps?

L: I think you should go now before I say things I will regret

K: Fine. I'll go. But ......

Shit! What an asshole I thought. A second later he opened the door and saw me standing there. He just nodded and moved on down the hallway. I opened the door to the studio just in time to catch Leo saying, angrily.

L: Fucking asshole

H: Hi - I peeped in

M: Hey Harper - saw me first because he was sitting facing the door. Leo was standing in the middle of the room, his back to me. 

Now he turned around.

L: Hi baby - he softened and came over to hug me

H: Hi. You ok?

L: Yeah. Did you hear that? - we parted but he held around me

H: Yeah I was outside. Didn't dare to come in afraid he'd recognize the fish - tried for humor

L: - smiled a little - Don't mind him.

H: Who is he?

L: He is an advisor sent by the label, though I mostly feel like he is tracking and schooling me for his own profit.

H: Can you fire him?

L: Unfortunately. We're all under contracts.

H: That sucks!

He nodded.

H: I brought lunch by the way. I didn't know if you guys had already eaten but, I haven't and Leslie is out so I didn't want to eat alone - I held up the bag

He smiled adorably at me and pulled me closer again kissing me.

L: Thank you.

M: Yeah thanks Harper.

I put the food bag on the studio sofa and started taking out the Thai food.

H: Since we talked about our love for Thai last night... I serve you a Thai lunch. There is a little bit of everything in each box.

M: Ahh it looks great. - he took one box, followed by Leo and me grabbing the last one.

L: But hey you wanna listen to what we made today? - he was ecstatic. He was whenever talking about his music.

H: Of course - I was genuinely interested. Even though I am not into the music, he is really talented and also when you love someone you love what they do especially when its done with such passion.

L: Come - he took my free hand and lead me to the mixing table where he sat on his chair and me on his lap.

L: I am sorry. How is your day going? - he turned to me before pushing play.

H: - I smiled. The manners of this man asså - It's going well. I'll tell you about it later.

L: No tell me now... I wanna hear.

H: No, we are listening to the music now and we'll take my day over dinner.

L: Ok - smiled as he pushed play.

A few days later, another studio day, another lunch,

When I arrive Max is outside at the mixing table controlling everything, we greet quietly, while Leo is in the booth playing the piano. It was beautiful. He had told me vaguely that he played instruments but, I have never heard him actually play. Wow!

When he was done and Max gave him a thumbs up through the glass window. He looked at me, I smiled and waved, he smiled and said "And one for the beautiful girl" and started playing... "How would you feel" by Ed Sheeran.

Max took his cue and left the studio midways through the song leaving me alone to listen to this beautiful melodic profession of love.

As he was getting to the last verse I couldn't take it anymore, listen to all this and do nothing. I went into the booth and sat on his lap, cross-legged, we were facing each other as I sincerely looked into his eyes

H: I love you too - I said like it was the only truth I had ever spoken in my life. 


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