Mrs. McRay got up right that moment and smiled at me weakly. She left the room, leaving me and the headmaster alone. "Ms. Park... May I ask why you did not tell anyone? We could have helped you."

I faced the ground and let out a shaky breath. For the second time today my eyes started prickling with tears and I sniffed. "I... I don't know... Maybe they'd say I was a coward because I couldn't handle them alone."

Mr. Jordan sighed as someone knocked on the door. My parents entered. "Chaeyoung!" My mom shouted and I got up to accept her hug. She rested her head in the crook of my head and I breathed in the familiar smell - home. "Baby, why didn't you tell us anything?"

I blinked away the tears and shrugged with a forced smile. "Err..." I had no idea what to say so I just looked at my father who pulled me in another hug.

"Mr. and Mrs. Park, may I ask what you want to do in case of Jade? Should we let the students gather around and tell them it was wrong and everyone to apologize to her?"

"No!" I shouted immediately. "I don't want to..."

"My wife and I decided it would be the best if Chaeyoung would go to another school. Of course only if she wants to." He smiled weakly at me and comforted me by rubbing my back.

A real smile crept onto my face. "Yes, that would be lovely!"

Mr. Jordan nodded with a smile. "I think that's a good idea. Will you do it still today?"

Now it was my mom's turn to nod. "My husband and Chaeyoung would go home now and I will sign everything I have to, alright?"

Dad and I left the room and went to the car. This still could be a nice day!


"Okay, here's your timetable and here's a plan so you can find your classes."

"Thank you," I smiled and for a long time the smile on my face was real. I was happy like never before and really excited on meeting new people. I looked down at the schedule to see I had my first class on the second floor. Soon I had found the room and sat down at the last seat. No-one seemed to mind me but I could care less - being invisible to others was better than being the other's butt to kick around. I pulled out my new book and started reading.

It was a science-fiction story, called Matched. It was about a girl that lived in a community that had planned your entire life already - who to marry, how many kids to get, where to live... But Cassia didn't want to marry the one she should. She wanted to marry Ky, one day maybe. But Ky wasn't allowed to marry at all... It was hard to explain but it was very catching and I had never heard about a story like this.

The door bell rang and I put it away. A blonde, gorgeous girl sat down next to me and she was smiling widely. "Hi, I'm Lisa," she smiled at me and I already felt comfortable and wanted to respond but that moment the teacher entered and smiled at us.

"Good morning! My name is Robert O'Donnald. Why am I telling you this? Because we have a new student!" He had a thick scottish accent and pointed with a smile at me. "This is Park Chaeyoung. Err, Lisa, could you please show her the school and where she can find everything?"

The blonde girl next to me smiled brightly. "Yeah, sure! When?"

I was amazed how happy this girl was. She was continously smiling and next to her I felt really comfortable. "Maybe now?"

Lisa got up and I did so, too. We went out of the class and she smiled. "So, Chaeyoung, what's the number of your locker?"

"Umm, wait a sec," I murmured, looking for a piece of paper. She squealed and I shot her a confused look. "Oh my gosh, you've got the cutest voice ever!"

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