Naoto:" Actually, I can juggle."

Layla: "No way, you're lying. Show me."

Naoto:" Alright, Ummm..." he said, looking around for something he could juggle. "Here we go," Naoto said, grabbing a few decorative fruits.

I'm sure I must have looked like a seven-year-old, gawking in amazement as he juggled, but I couldn't help myself. I've only ever been able to juggle two things at a time, but unfortunately, the way I do it, I highly doubt you could consider what I was doing as juggling.

Naoto: "Layla, toss the last one in." he said while still successfully juggling four plastic fruits.

Layla: "Oh, no. That's a terrible idea." I warned him.

Naoto: "Go ahead. I trust you." he assured me.

I hesitated for a second before I picked up the fruit.

Layla: "Alright, I'm going to do it." I said, slightly panicking.

After tossing it in, I closed my eyes, afraid to see what happened.

Naoto: "Why are you closing your eyes?"

Layla: "I don't know." I said, peeping one eye open to see what happened. "Oh, my God! You did it!" I yelped, jumping out of my seat in excitement.

He laughed at my reaction.

Naoto: "Are you always this easily amused?" he asked, smiling as he put the fruits back in the bowl on the table.

Layla: "I would like to say no, but then I'd be lying." I giggled.

Naoto: "Ah, I see."

Layla: "My gosh, now I've got to rewrite my notes. Fashion designer, dancer, icon, and pro juggler. I kidded with him. Are there any other hidden talents I should know about?"

Naoto: "Nope,"

Layla: "You sure because I'm starting to think there is nothing you can't do."

Naoto: "Well, contrary to popular belief, there are many things I can't do."

Layla: "Like what? Tell me one." I said.

Naoto: "Uhmmm..." He thought, before speaking again. "I can't whistle."

Layla: "What? No way." I said skeptically.

Naoto: "Yeah, I've tried. I can't figure it out." he admitted.

Layla: "Oh, come on. No, we have got to figure this out right now. I have to teach you. We can't ruin your spotless reputation." I said as I dragged my chair closer to him. "Don't worry, I taught my next-door neighbour's kid how to whistle, so I'm basically a trained professional."

Naoto: "Oh, okay."He laughed at my outland-ish joke then turn his chair more to face me.

Layla: "Okay, great. Here we go. So first, we need to relax. Take a deep breath in." I said, and he followed suit. "Great, you're doing good so far." I commended him.

He chuckled.

Layla: "Alright, next wet your lips." I said, quick licking mine.

He licked his lips and, I unintentionally folded mine, trying to conceal the smile that crept across me as I watched him lick his lips.

Layla: "Okay, next." I said, shaking off my nerves. "You know when you bite into a lime, your lip automatically puckers."

Naoto: "Yeah?" he agrees but seemed puzzled by my use of illustration.

Layla: "Yeah, just like that, but leave a little space so you can blow air through your lips."

He attempted to form his lips the way I told him to then stopped.

Naoto: "I can't do this. I feel silly." he shook his head.

Layla: "Oh, come on. It's okay to feel silly at first. You got this." I said, putting my hand under his chin, tilting his face up towards mine. "Look, follow me," I said, showing him, shortly after watching, he mimicked me. "Yes, just like that! Now blow." I said when he formed his lip correctly. "Yes, perfect! A little more." I said, getting overly excited when he let out a soft whistle. "Oh my gosh, you're almost there. Again." I said, almost on the verge of hopping out the seat.

He started to try again, then he relaxed his lips and just looked at me.

'Is he okay?' I thought, wondering why he stopped. 'Wow, he's really handsome in person, the music videos don't do him justice.' I thought, captivated by him. After looking over all his features, I landed on the one feature that had caused problems for me before. His lips. I'm not sure how long I was in my trance for, but the only thing that snapped me back to reality when was he folding his bottom lip in to lick it. A shiver ran track and field up and down my spine when I saw this, and then I finally realized how close we were to each other. If one of us leans a little too hard to one side, we'd kiss again. Trying to not bring attention to the fact that I was freaking out because of our proximity, I just sat up properly in the chair and straighten my clothes, like I wasn't like 2 seconds away from re-enacting our last encounter.

Layla: "Okie Dokie, well, if you keep practicing, you'll be able to add whistler to your resume." I said, making a silly joke to defuse the tension I was feeling.

Naoto just gave me a light nod and a smirk.

Naoto: "So, is our interview over?" he asked.

Layla: "Yes, it is." I said, taking up my things to get up and leave. "I thank you for your time today. I'll be sure to keep you posted on the release date of the article." I said, reaching out my hand to shake his.

Naoto smiled, giving me a firm handshake.

Naoto: "I look forward to reading your article."

Layla smiled.

Naoto: "So, we are officially off the record, right?" he asked.

Layla: "Yes, we are." I said, a bit confused as to why he asked.

Naoto: "Good, then we can finally talk." he said, changing his tone as he crossed his arms in front of him.

Needless to say, I was lost by what he was saying. 'I thought we were talking.' I pondered.

Naoto: "So Miss Kato, do you usually kiss strangers in clubs, or should I feel special?" he said, giving me a devilish smile.

I paused for a bit until my mind fully processed what he just said.


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