Captured To Become A Vampire Prince's Bride {Book 2}: Chapter 38

Start from the beginning


The quiet that fell among the table apart from a few whispers here and there and the footsteps of the waiters after the main course seemed like the perfect time to spring Emmanuel's plan in to action.

"I have an idea," I perked up in my seat, glancing around the table, ensuring I had everyone's attention. "You know how-"

"What ever this... idea of yours is, do you think it's appropriate for now? We have a guest and this is our first proper meal as a family. Can it not wait?" Interrupted the Queen like I'd suggested something preposterous.

The Queen's glare was intimidating, shutting me up immediately. Maybe I should've waited until the end of the meal, when everyone was finished and full.

"This is not okay," Alexander growled under his breath, taking my hand in his. "Genevieve," he called across the table calmly, despite being everything but that.

I wanted to retract myself from the whole situation that Alexander had increased the chance of escalating. Everyone was wordlessly watching Alexander and the Queen, waiting for what was to follow. Even the King seemed interested as he sat with his chin on the back of his hand.

Her marigold eyes landed on Alexander, with less of the detestation she had for me, but equal hostility, "yes, Alexander?"

"Arianne is part of this family, you know that. Whatever your reasons, you harbour hatred, but as I and some others," he scanned the table, his eyes landing on his sister and the twins, "tolerate you, you will do the same for Arianne. If she wishes to speak then she may, she's as much an equal as anyone sat at this table. I think an apology is due."

"Well said, spoken like a true Monaghan, Alexander. Genevieve, darling, he's right. Arianne is family and we don't treat family this way."

Geneieve's resilient stare alternated between the three of us, tension spread thick over the dinner table. Alexander's body language appeared relaxed, but his gaze was solid with determination, he knew he was going to get his way one way or another. His father wouldn't deny him this, not after all he's been through.

She sighed slightly, rolling her eyes until they fell on me, "I apologise."

As false and forced as the apology sounded, I nodded my head courteously in her direction, and before my head was even back up she had excused herself to go to the bathroom.

Cough. "Awkward." Cough.

I cast my gaze to my right to toss a glare at the only culprit it could be, luckily for him it wasn't the time for me to tell him to shut up, only to be met by a wink from mischievous blue eyes. Jayden winked and he lifted his glass for one of the waiters to refill it with champagne.

Someone else cleared their throat at the right of me, and I was ready to launch another glare, until I saw it was Emmanuel. He offered me a sincere looking smile, "your idea?"

I looked to King to make sure it was actually okay to talk about my idea, since the Queen was adamant it wasn't appropriate, but he had on the same encouraging smile Emmanuel had.

I felt so much at ease, even with all the eyes on me. "I was thinking about making a surprise visit to the orphanage that myself, Jayden and Charlotte helped redecorate before we went away. I want to see how all the kids are doing and see if they need anything else."

"Sounds like a good plan. You're free to come and go as you like. It would also look good on our part, after being away for so long, we of course don't want the people thinking we've abandoned them," the King responded, his smile growing to reveal his teeth, slight wrinkles forming on his forehead.

"I'd like to see as well but, I'm busy." Alexander sighed beside me, frowning slightly.

He hadn't told me what he was busy with, but work was definitely not a conversation to bring up during dinner, not that any of us wanted us to discuss it anyway.

"Well me and Leyton can join. I'm interested," said Emmanuel casually.

The tapping of heels against the wooden flooring could be heard in the distance, signalling the Queen's swift return. She stood at the archway, hand on her hip, and tucked a few strands of her long black hair behind her ear revealing a very nice ruby earring to match her dress.

"I hope everyone is ready for desert, because this comes all the way from New York!" She announced sprightly, in a stereotypical New Yorker accent.

Ten waiters filed in to the dining room, each with a golden tray resting on their open palm. On the tray was a very extravagant sundae, covered in gold leaves, gold syrup flowed through the ice cream, and some round gold things sat beside a pair of picture perfect cherries. Of course to eat with, was a golden spoon.

I just knew this wasn't a regular sundae.

The Queen re took her seat beside the King beaming as the sundae's were placed in front of us all.

"It's called the Golden Opulence Sundae. It's Tahitian vanilla ice cream with chunks of very rare chuao chocolate, drizzled with Amedei porcelana. To the side are gold covered almonds, exquisite chocolate truffles, marzipan cherries. To top it all off are edible 23-carat leaves and the pièce de résistance, a mouth watering spoonful of caviar." She was the first to start eating and everyone copied, eager to get a taste of the monster sundae.

As well as being mouth-watering, it was definitely a mouth-full. It was indeed golden opulence. All of that in one sundae. It was like a meal in itself, the chance of me finishing all of it was close to zero... but I at least had to try everything, except the caviar. Wasn't a fan of caviar. The queen had done a good job though, I'd liked everything so far surprisingly.


I also want to apologise for taking so long, I just started university and moved in to my new place and everything has been super hectic. I'm not entirely sure when the next chapter will be out but thanks for reading guys! Don't forget to vote and comment if you enjoyed the chapter :) ❤️

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