Captured To Become A Vampire Prince's Bride {Book 2}: Chapter 2

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She looked around, I think making sure no one was listening to what we were saying, "OK, I'll be honest with you, I can't lie to your face. Something has happened to Alexander, however, it's nothing for you to worry about."

I narrowed my eyes at Charlotte, she was being strangely vague. Why couldn't she just tell me what it was? Unless it was something for me to worry about and she was lying to my face. "Something like what?"

To avoid my stare, she instead looked at her maths book, not appearing to be reading it. "The prince put you here so you wouldn't get involved in anything that's going on back home. He trusted us with you to make sure you don't get involved. Therefore, I cannot tell you anything else."

"He won't talk to me, you and Leandra won't talk to me, and anytime I've asked the kids here, they don't tell me anything either. So you either tell me or I'll find out myself! Alexander is my husband and I will do anything I can to make sure he's safe, the same way he does for me."

Charlotte only glanced up at me momentarily before smiling, catching me completely off guard. "He'll probably be angry with me after telling you this, but he has a surprise for you. He wants you away while he sorts it out, so you can be nearer to him."

I nodded and exhaled. That was all I wanted to know. Some details. Charlotte really wouldn't lie to me, so I believed her. I also believed Alex would be stupid enough to focus on me rather than the war going on.

Finally, I more at ease with the whole Alex situation. Even though at the back of my mind, I still felt something was wrong, I managed to revise somewhat peacefully.

The sun gave everything on the school grounds a beautiful glow. Not too far away, I could see the sea and its soft, glittering waves. Here, it was like an Eden.

Later on, after the rest of my lessons, I returned to my room, where for once, it was empty. I slept. I was knackered, and I didn't think it was just because of the late sleep I had the previous night.

A whole two months passed, I hadn't mentioned Alexander since Charlotte told me he was planning something. People stopped asking me questions about being a princess and Nox Aterrima too. Everyone seemed to be distancing themselves away from me, and I noticed that.

When I would go to ask Kyra or April if they wanted to hang out, they'd turn me down. I even noticed teachers not choosing to let me answer questions. Leandra was becoming seemingly impossible to get a hold of between lessons and even after school hours. However, I noticed something was happening when there was an assembly for those who were vampires, and for the first time, I was told I had to go to the one for just humans.

Something was happening that I wasn't allowed to know about, but I promised myself I'd find out somehow. No matter how or who from.

There was a boy in all of my classes called Lucas, he never spoke unless spoken to. According to Kyra, if you knew how to ask him he'd have the answer to anything. For someone who didn't speak to anyone, he was the biggest gossip in the school. Now, I was going to make him gossip to me. I needed to know what happened or was happening.

Rocking on the balls of my feet, I waited for him outside of the classroom at the end of the school day. He always came out last from what I noticed. He eventually wandered out of the classroom.

"Lucas," I called out, immediately grabbing the boys attention, his grey eyes widened when he locked with mine. "I need a favour, please."

"Princess, of course," Lucas answered faintly.

That was a lot easier than I initially expected. Lucas signalled for me to follow him, where he took me to one of the tables not far from the cliffside. Not many people were around, there wasn't much of a chance of anyone listening in or interrupting.

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