What the characters look like

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So, stupid me forgot to do this AGES ago, and I was asked by -sehorny- to do this quite a while ago too.

I've come along way, the entire cast used to be white. But anyway, here we are, what the characters all (sorta) look like:


(Not sure how I feel about her being Arianne, but she's on the cover of my book so... I might change her)

 I might change her)

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(Y'all know Jayden and Leyton are twins, and that these guys aren't twins, but I can only look at generic white twins with brown hair for a short time before I die of boredom. And I'll be in the grave before I even considered the Dolan twins. I think I did a good job with them.)


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(Idk who she is but she's beautiful!)

(Idk who she is but she's beautiful!)

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Last but not least... Austin/Chace:

(Idk what you thought he was going to look like but I can guarantee it didn't look like m'boi, Kim Jongin)

(Idk what you thought he was going to look like but I can guarantee it didn't look like m'boi, Kim Jongin)

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Tell me your opinions lol. Were you surprised? Anyone look completely different to how you imagined? Think I should add anyone else?

EDIT: I am a MORON! The guy I picked for Alexander and Jayden are the same guy??? Like?? I literally just found his ig and I saw both the pics and?? Wow. I'm screaming 😂 either way, he cute, he has both a soft and bad boy look and I'm here for it!

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