Chapter 7

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After the door shut behind me, the smell of the house overwhelmed my senses. The aroma of garlic and herbs filled my head, and I could almost envision the mashed potatoes that I'm sure were sitting out nicely, waiting to be served. However, of course, there was the scent of the demon that resided in the house, and that smell broke through the rest and unsettled me to my core. 

"I hope you enjoy steak." His deep voice rang out in my ears and I snapped out of my trance. His shirtless back was retreating down the small hallway and around a corner. 

I took a tentative step forward, peering into the house. It was surprisingly open for the type of creature that lived in it. Once I moved out of the small hallway, I was met with the stairs straight in front of me, covered in a dark hardwood flooring. A door was closed to the left of the stairs, but to the right, the room opened up next to me into a beautiful kitchen with smoky grey granite countertops and the finest appliances I had ever seen. The fridge was twice the size of the one I had at home.

Facing the kitchen was an attached dining room, and the entire back wall was made of large windows, which were cracked slightly to allow the soft breeze of the night blow through, the sheer white curtains flapping ever so slightly. On the table were a multitude of dishes, including two huge pieces of steak, roasted asparagus, a corn hash that was the most vibrant in colors I had ever seen, two different bottles of wine, and, of course, a heaping mountain of mashed potatoes.

To the left of the dining room, a large doorway led under the stairs, but the dark curtains were pulled tight over the glass so I couldn't see inside. To the right of the dining room, a similar entry way was left open, and a step down led you into a huge living room that was lined with a comfortable looking leather couch, a huge flat-screen television, and more big windows left slightly open.

"I'll be right back down. Please, have a seat." And in a flash, he was gone up the stairs. 

I stood rock solid at the edge of the kitchen, holding my hands against my chest. I felt tears prick my eyes, and the confusion began to seep into my mind. It felt so much like a home, like my home. The nagging feeling in the back of my head returned, urging me to sit down. A small thud came from upstairs and I jumped slightly. Every other nerve in my body was screaming at me to get out, so when another thud sounded, I jumped into action, my mind whirling with possible exit routes. 

I had no idea where we were or what would happen, but I knew I had to leave. 

I turned back around the face the front door, and was met head on with the now clothed chest of the demon Alexander.

"I'm sorry, my Elisavet." He wore a soft look on his face. "I can not allow you to leave."

"I-" My voice got caught in the back of my throat. 

"Please." He placed a hand on the small of my back and started to lead me towards the dining table. "Let's eat and I will explain everything that you have been wanting to know."

He pulled my chair out for me and I sat down, facing the food in front of me. The demon uncorked a bottle of wine and began to pour me a glass. When he stopped, my shaky hand reached up to take it, but then paused and gave it a skeptical look.

Alexander laughed out loud. "It's not poisoned, my dear. I would never dream of harming you." He leaned towards me slightly and inhaled deeply before making his way to his own chair across the table. 

"I have asked them to keep you in the dark about your future until you arrived here. I believed it important that you heard the information from someone who is meant to be bound to you." He sipped his own wine before scooping some potatoes onto his plate. 

The Beginning of the End (Book 1 of the Captured Series)जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें