Chapter 3

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I groaned, holding my pounding head as I slowly pushed myself into a sitting position. What had happened to make me feel this way?

My eyes peeled open to take in my surroundings, and at the sight of the bland, concrete walls and simple bed I had awoken on, the memories came flooding back.

I felt my heart race and I tried to scramble up off the bed, only to be stopped by a metal cuff attached around my right ankle.

I was trapped.

My body was frozen in place, barely able to make out the metal door on the opposite wall. It was dark in the room save the white light streaming in through the outline of the only exit. The mattress creaked underneath my weight as I sunk back slightly, allowing myself to fall into a more comfortable position.

My parents were right. I wasn't safe outside, and now I was paying the ultimate price.

Suddenly, as though my awakened state had alerted my presence, a knock sounded from the other side of the door. I tilted my head in confusion, keeping silent.

"May I enter, Miss Black?" The telltale English accent was muffled on the other side of the metal, but it still caused ice to run through my veins. However, I didn't need to respond to confirm my suspicions, because without a proper answer, Ms. Dianne Jackson strode into the room, casting a blinding light over the cinderblock walls.

I squinted my eyes, making out her surprisingly calm and content face. She didn't seem like the type of person to keep someone prisoner, yet here I was. Ms. Jackson clutched a clipboard in her hand and her heels clicked against the cement floor as she paced over to me slowly, like I was a startled animal.

"Miss Black, I'm sure you know who I am." She sent me a dazzling smile and I took this time to swallow, my saliva coating my dry throat with a harsh sting.

"Yes, Ms. Jackson." I croaked out.

A lilted, airy laugh escaped her throat. "Oh please!" She fanned a hand in the air at me. "I'm sure considering our circumstances, we can do away with the pleasantries!" The apples of her cheeks pressed tightly up to her eyes. "You may call me Mistress Dianne."

I flattened my mouth into a line, unsure of the difference in titles, but decided to play along. "Okay, Mistress Dianne."

When I didn't continue, the English woman smoothed out her burgundy blouse and shifted her eyes back and forth between me and the bed. She was considering the consequences of taking a seat.

In the end, Mistress Dianne decided to stand and repositioned her clipboard so she could read from it. "I'm sure you have many unanswered questions, Miss Black." She scanned over a couple more lines before tucking the papers under her arm. "But, rest assured, all will be answered within a short period of time. Before then, I would personally like to congratulate you on you successful entrance into The Brotherhood." She nodded her head at me, seeming as cheery as ever.

"The what?" I held back the tremble of my voice.

"Our organization, The Brotherhood." She beamed yet again. "You willingly entered as you made the decision to walk to the end of your driveway, like the note explicitly stated."

"Right." I trailed off.

"You've passed the DNA test and now we will be moving on with phase two!" She clapped her hands together excitedly.

"Um, what?" I leaned away from her slightly.

"Well, you've been in our compound for a few days now, and--"

"A few what?" Why hadn't my parents come for me yet?

"Days, darling." Ms. Jackson gave me a reassuring smile. "And we've tested your DNA. Still perfectly spliced with grade A demon!"

I fell silent, examining the obviously crazy woman in front of me.

"Oh!" She shook her head, giving me an apologetic look. "You obviously wouldn't know anything of that nature. Your guardians kept you hidden from the truth." Ms. Jackson stood. "That is all fine. With phase two, we will be slowly implementing you into your new home for the next few weeks."

"Here?" I managed to croak out.

"Oh, no." She let out a soft laugh. "You'll be staying with Alexander, your demon counterpart."

"My what?"

"Do you have a hearing problem, dear?" She pulled the chart out from under her tucked arm. "Nothing in your file mentions anything like that, and any imperfection could throw a wrench in the process." She chewed her bottom lip.

"No." I breathed out. "My hearing is fine."

"Oh good!" Ms. Jackson straightened. "Your personal guard, Owen, will be here shortly to help you get ready for the trip." Another award-winning smile shot my way. "Please enjoy the rest of your stay!" And with that, her heels clacked out of the room, the heavy, metal door screeching shut behind her.

I glanced down at the chain that kept me linked to the bed, my mind reeling at possible ways to escape this crazy nightmare. "I sure will." I mumbled to myself.

The Beginning of the End (Book 1 of the Captured Series)Where stories live. Discover now