Chapter 6

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My mind was dark and I couldn't feel anything. That is, until, a flash of light shined over my closed eyelids and I opened them slowly. The sun poked in and out of the trees as they flew by, a soft orange light dimming the day into night. 

We were driving. And I was awake. 

I sat up quickly, looking out the window, my eyes wide and my hands pressed against the glass. 

"Woah!" The driver slowed. 

"It's fine." I turned my head to see Owen sitting next to me. "She just wants to look outside."

The driver mumbled something to himself and continued on, speeding back up. 

I looked back out the window, watching the pines go past, the grass and dirt and rocks and everything so beautiful. There was a small mountain in the distance and I imagined myself climbing it, exhausted at the top. 

"Do you like it?"

"I love it." I whispered. "But how come the anesthetic wore off?"

"I gave you a smaller dose." Owen stared out his own window, avoiding eye contact. "Believe it or not, but I do care for you and I don't agree with some of the practices that have taken place over the past eighteen years."

I tore my gaze away from the glass portal to the world and sat back in my seat, fiddling my thumbs. "We knew each other?"

Owen nodded. "Yeah. When we were kids." He took a deep breath in and looked at me, giving me a soft smile. "You were my roommate." He let out a small laugh. "Fucking roommate."

I raised my eyebrows at his vulgar language. "What do you mean?"

"At the facility. A different one than here." He shifted in his seat and turned to me, giving a small glance towards the driver. "Do you remember when you were little and you had to move for the first time?"

"We were staying in a big house with other people I wasn't allowed to talk to."

"That was the facility." Owen chuckled. "I can't believe they took you from all of that when you were only three."

"You were there?"

"By roommate," he continued, "I mean I lived next door. We met and played together a lot. I'm also a part of this giant experiment my mother has been working on, but I was taken out once they realized I was more of a threat than a test." He wrung his hands in his lap, turning his head down. The scar on his cheek shone in the light of the setting sun. 

I couldn't wrap my mind around the fact that I was a key element in an experiment I had no knowledge about. "What am I?"

"You're a test tube baby." He winced after he said the words. "Sorry, that wasn't meant to come out like that."

I chuckled, but stayed silent for him to continue.

"Your mother and father are your mother and father, but you were basically mixed up with their DNA and then some DNA from a demon. A very powerful demon, in fact."

"Okay, wait," I held up my hand, "so demons are real?"

Owen gave me a confused look. "Yes? I thought my mother explained that to you?"

"Not really." I let out a soft laugh. "And let me guess," I smirked, "angels are real too."

He nodded, as if it was the most simple fact in the whole world.

"Wait." I sat up straighter. "What?"

Owen's lip twitched and then he started to laugh a deep, booming laugh. He held his hand to his stomach and threw his head back to the seat, his teeth shining in the sunlight. "The look on your face!"

The Beginning of the End (Book 1 of the Captured Series)Where stories live. Discover now