We sat by the pool and talked for hours. The time passes quickly when I'm with him. It was almost midnight.  Before I know it was time for him to leave. But there was only one thing left on my mind..

"What's your plan Blake?" I asked.

"We are supposed to meet with the gang in 3am sharp by the bridge. John send everyone looking for you. Well only around 20 people. The only ones left. I just got back from the trip and he made me lead the gang.

So here is my plan. We meet up and I send them on the wrong plane. There are 2 planes that will be making a go with 13 min difference. One for Croatia, and one for New Zealand. I will ditch them and wait. The warning for the plane for Croatia should be the time when I ditch the plane to New Zealand and go on the one for Croatia. After that hello new life."

"That's pretty smart Blakey. Good luck" I kissed his cheek, said our goodbye's and he left. That night I prayed for everything to be right.

I was at the kitchen, cooking some pasta when I felt a tug on my shorts. It was the adorable creature Kai.

"Ina me hungry" he said and pouted. I squeezed his cheeks and took him in my hands. I placed him on the counter so he can watch me. The pasta was nearly done and I poured the sauce in.

"The smell is that amazing that it woke me up" said Benji and started helping me out. He took the plates and when Ian walked in he started filling our glasses with soda and OJ for Kai.

Finally we looked like a happy family. Even tho, we were far from that. All of us are broken in our own way. One from a heartbreak, one from growing up without a mother or a father, and the two others from something else.

Don't get me wrong. I enjoy their company. A lot. That's the reason why I will do everything to protect them. I know that Ian feels like he failed us. That he couldn't protect us. That he couldn't be my rock, that he couldn't be Benji's older brother that will tease him for his player ways or be there for him when he needs advice. That he couldn't be a father figure to Kai.

I don't blame him. I will never do that. It was not our fault. We have seen many bad things in our life. We were taken at a young age. Me and Ian were only 14 when it happened. Benji was 13 and Kai was only few months.

We don't know what happened to our parents. After the day we were officially accepted in the gang they left. They were also members from this gang. The contract you sign is for 1 year. And then they force you to re-sign it. My parents left the gang. We were all supposed to leave to Greece that day. But the boss at that time send people after them.

So we never got the chance to leave until now.

"How was school Ina?" Asked Ian with full mouth and started spitting chunks of pasta with every word that left his mouth.

"Gosh you are like a pig. It was okeish. Nothing special." I said and sipped my soda. Benji was stuck in his thoughts. "Penny for your thoughts B?"

"Huh?" He lifted his head up to look at me confused.

"You didn't ate much and you seem to be in your own world. Is there something wrong?" I asked and picked mine and Kai's plate since we were done. 

He kissed his teeth and shook his head couple of times "Yeah, no it's nothing to worry about"

"If you say so" I said and started washing the dishes. Soon enough they finished and went in their rooms. Kai will be staying with Benji until we move to a bigger place. So Ian is sleeping in the guest room and Benji in Kai's.

I finished with the dishes and went outside to take a walk on the beach. I have been doing that since we came here. It is calming.

It was a windy day and I was in my booty pajama shorts that had hearts on them and my white crop top.

I took my shoes in my hands and went ankle deep in the water. It woke me up. The water was very cold. I was alone no one was really outside. I mean it's late so that explains it.

I stopped after a while and just stared at the water. The wind was messing my hair and I close my eyes enjoying the moment.

It didn't took me long to realize that there is a presence behind me. By some reasons..it didn't bother me at all.

"My two favorite things at the same place. Didn't thought I will find you here cherry." Oh that husky voice. It is always when I'm with him when I don't feel so lonely.

"What can I say I'm full of surprises"



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