Chapter 11: Don't Know What To Say

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Lance jerked backwards to get away from Lotor's grip and stood up quickly. "No, I haven't forgotten what they did to my father but I chosen to forgive whoever done it and move forward with my life." Lance told him, assuming humans killed Keith's Dad. "I suggest you do the same, you would become a more happier person..." Walking to the bedroom door and was about to open it before turning around. "If you try to make me drink that blood or force me to watch you cut him up, I'll NEVER forgive you."

Nodding Allura told Keith that it was a McDonald's down the street the the two can walk too. Getting out the apartment, she wondered would it be rude to ask Keith about his Dad, but she was curious.. "So, how old were you? When your Dad passed away?

Lotor frowned pulling the remote from his pocket and pressing it shocking Lance with the ankle monitor, the power was on 6 out of 10. He kept the button pressed for a moment till he figured Lance wouldn't be able to stand then let go. He stood up and went over grabbing his hair roughly and tossing him over to the other side of the room, "You will not leave without permission do you understand?" Lotor stood over him and pinned him against the wall, "Your body is dying. Can't you feel it? Before me you would starve yourself for fun, let your body bleed for fun. Now you think your body is better without all this. I'm trying to help you- You cannot live on human food. That's not how we are designed and I will not let you starve. Do you understand me Keith?" Lotor sighed and dropped him. "If you are set on this bullshit I can always knock you out and force feed you. Or if you're good I can try and do what your brother does, and make it at least look like normal food. But I don't see why you'd go though the trouble.."

Keith walked with her down the street, "Well.. I was about ten I think. He, like everyone else, was scared of me. Of what I might do... He was almost never around so I can't really say I miss him.. I just miss the thought of him I think, the police never found a body, Lotor told me they found one but wouldn't report it because they thought he could be a vampire too and couldn't risk publicly saying there were creatures living with people. I wasn't born looking like a vampire, he always told me that my mother left me out of disappointment, and honestly, I can see why.. So I never knew her, but I didn't really know him either." Keith put on a fake smile, "I'm sorry I don't mean to be so depressing- What about you? What's your family like?"

Screaming in pain, Lance fell to the ground. For a brief moment his body was uncontrollably twitching on the floor only soon after to be picked up by the hair and tossed to the other side of the room. Hissing, he brought his knees to his chest and hugged them. Taking a gaps of air he started to speak- " Since I met you, my life had gotten a hell of a lot worse. Ever thought I starve myself now because I wANT TO DIE? It sure beats having to deal with you constantly beating my ass every day."

Hearing Keith's story left Allura hart-broken and had no idea that he had such a troubling past. Tears fell from her cheek as she pulled Keith into her arms and apologizing for what he gone threw. "....S-So you couldn't even bury your father to say G-Goodbye??"

Lotor pulled Lance into a hug, "You belong to me remember, your body is mine. So if I want you alive. You stay alive. I haven't gotten my fill and you can't die until I do. You've tried to kill yourself before but I won't make that mistake again. I won't let you get away ever again. No matter how much you fight. No matter where you run, no matter who you cower behind, I am the only one who can truly understand and love you." Lotor picked him up and sat him back in front of the body. "I don't beat you baby, it's discipline. If I shock you enough you won't even want to go though that door. And if I fuck you hard enough you'll be too tired to argue or even try and get up~ I'm training you to be the perfect pet!"

Keith was surprised by Allura's action. He froze as he was hugged but soon hugged back, "We never spoke much. It was mostly like, he'd tell me what to do or when he'd be back. But he left in the middle of the day when I had gotten sick. He said, 'I have to go to the store. I'll be right back Keith, stay inside.' And that was the last thing he said to me.. But its fine you can't miss what you never had right? I'm a bit sensitive to the sun so having a funeral wasn't an option for me.. But when I was younger I'd go out to my old house and just sit there and pretend he's there. I'd tell myself that he's inside sleeping so I have to play outside and stay quiet. Kind of messed up huh?" When he saw the fast food place he tilted his head. He's passed by it many times before on his way to the school but he's never been inside. "So uh, what kind of food does Lance like? I mean.. I dont eat people food but I'm in his body so I guess I should go with whatever its accustomed to right?" Keith rubbed the back of his neck wondering what they had and if all restaurants had the same things. How would he even know what to get? He was starting to get anxious about it all, maybe it wasn't the best idea, there's always people there and Keith was never good with people anyway. But he looked like Lance.. And Lance was great with people... He was so confused!

It broke Lance's heart to hear Keith actually tried to commit suicide to escape this monster. How could Lotor possibly 'love' Keith yet constantly abuse him? No one deserve this kinda treatment. Looking at the corpse in front of him, Lance gulped. There was no reasoning with this man. He frowned before looking at Lotor. "....I apologize that you gone threw all this trouble to get me'snack' but my stomach is too weak to drink it straight from his neck. Do you have a pouch of blood any where, I'll be more compliant to drink that." Eating or drinking from a dead human seemed not only disgusting but just wrong and inhumane to him.

Walking up to the restaurant, Allura shrugged her shoulders as she walked behind Keith. "Lance loves burgers and fries.. He could literally eat that crap everyday. As for me, I like to eat more on the healthy side." She said, noticing Keith was looking a bit anxious. Putting a hand on his shoulder, she smiled sweetly at him. "I know your not too good with talking to people, I'll be more then happy to tell them your order. You can go and pick out a table for us to sit at if you want to, Keith."

Lotor rolled his eyes and sighed, "Being with that human had made you so weak.. This is why I don't let you out, do see what you did to him? What he's done to you?? Keith I don't save blood up or keep it around. It would just attract others and in this part of town someone would easily break in just to get the things I want to give to you and you alone. Just try, that's all I ask. And if you really can't then I'll see what I can do. But if you don't want this being cut up and juiced for a pouch then you'll have to work with what you got alright love?" Lotor leaned against the wall, "You can be so picky sometimes I can't understand it.. Keith I won't leave till you eat so if you want me gone you get an hour if you eat. I'll try to be nicer but I make no promises, you of all people know why I'm like this."

Keith nodded feeling much more relieved that Allura was willing to help him. When they went inside Keith picked a corner booth in the back. He bit his lip and looked in the reflection of the table, he missed Lance so much.. But he was going to get him back no matter what! Keith knew a lot of stupid people who would buy weed as long as it was being sold. Lotor probably had his phone in his house so Keith had Lances phone.. So he couldn't really text anyone, not that he wanted to or like he had any other numbers aside from Shiro in his phone.. But maybe he'd find buyers lurking around the school or the usual hangouts for supernaturals so he wouldn't need a phone. After this he'd need to sleep for a few hours but then when it gets dark again he'd go and find them. Allura would hopefully know the price to sell. He didn't even know what a gun would cost.. Even if he got one he could just scratch off the number right?

Lances stomach was in knots about Lotor's request and couldn't believe what he was about to do- Lucky Lance hadn't had anything to eat before hand because he probably would throw up, and the corpse was starting to reek. Trembling, Lance picked up the man's arm and held it up to his mouth. Taking a bite and drinking from the vain seemed gross but Lance knew he didn't have a choice. Slowly his fangs started to pierce the mans skin and the taste of blood started to enter his mouth. He closed his eyes while doing so, he couldn't bear seeing himself drinking from a human.

Taking a sip of water, Allura was worrying on how long it will take to get all of these drugs sold. "You mentioned your friend had a gun, right? if worse comes to worse. Do you think it's okay to use it?"

Lotor watched and smiled a little, "See, that was not so hard now was it?" He pet Lances head, "I'll be right back with a bag to dispose of the body, the more you drink now the less you'll need later so I suggest you try to get as much as you can." He walked out closing the door behind him and going into another room getting a thick trash bag. He'd give Lance a few minutes to finish before coming back. When he got back he sat on the other side of the body sinking his own fangs in for a moment, "Its never as good as when its alive but it'll do haha." He smiled a little and leaned back, "I guess I'll just bury this one? Well, I could always leave it at the bottom of a cliff? Or in the river with some weights? That seems much better, no body no crime haha"

Keith sipped his tea as he listened to Allura, "Yeah, Shiro always has one in the car and one in the house.. I used to tease him about it but I guess I see why he does it now..." Keith leaned back thinking for a moment. "There's a few places to start with selling, the school me and Lance go to has lots of creatures and low life's who would be more then happy to get some.. Im not too sure how to price it though- I've never willingly done drugs or bought them either.."

Some Nights - Klance vampire AU [TW]Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ