Chapter 5: Caught Like A Fly

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           /I'm going to go through these chapters a few times and correct spell errors and possibly add so e things to make the story flow better. In about two weeks I'll be moving from NC to NJ and I WO t be able to correct things or check in and update so please bear with me, I have a new chapter I need to work on that should be out before I leave, if it gets too long it could be two chapters but Im not sure yet.. Anyway thanks for the votes and views and I hope you can enjoy with the minor errors I'm still working though heh..

//I'm in NJ and its a lot better here now that I'm not living with my parents. Like mentally I'm.doing so.much better so that's a plus. I'm using my phone to do more corrections and add a few small things. Its not that noticeable tho. Also its hard to do on this phone so I probably won't do this with all my stories just this one for now.

         Once Keith left, Lance couldn't help to feel a bit guilty with the way he reacted with Keith needing to feed. Why did he stutter like that? STUPID! Keith was being so polite to him even though he was really, really hungry . Going to his room, Lance waited for Keith to get back to his house. He tried his best not to think about Keith 'feeding' Maybe it wasn't as bad as Lance imagined it being?

          Keith went home and ate quietly, Shiro came in and ranted at him about coming home late in the morning and how worried his was about Keith. He sighed before explaining that he had to eat before the school trip, and that he was at a friends house. Shiro had liked to make food seemingly normal to the human eyes, but with things 'monsters' could eat so they wouldn't have to hide like they used to. Lance was getting excited about the trip- He wondered if everything would be alright and hoped Keith would be there sooner then later. 

         Keith knocked on Lances door, it had been a while since he left. It was about 7pm now, since the trip was at 8. He bit his lip and readjusted his backpack that was slung over his shoulder. It had anything he might need. Ready for the trip, Lance and Keith headed to the school and got on the bus. Lance of course sat next to Keith.. He begin to lighten the mood between them by teasing Keith. "I thought of you today~ Got you a little something for our "date". Keith couldn't help but to laugh at the last part of the sentence. He blushed a bit and chuckled quietly, he wasn't sure exactly what to say, "Yeah? ..I wonder what you'd get for me, maybe a wooden stake or some garlic, you guys seem to have that on hand whenever I'm near heheh..." Lance let out an uncomfortable laugh at the joke, he really didn't find it very funny. He knew that a lot of humans probably would use those awful things on Keith without any hesitation. "No. None of those things." Lance reached out and intertwined his fingers with Keith's. "Something small to give to a friend." Keith bit his lip, he wasn't used to holding anyone's hand. "Oh..?" He looked down at their hands holding back a smile or any smart remark that would ruin the 'moment'

"You just have to wait and see..." Lance held on to Keith's hand the whole bus ride. An hour or two has pasted and they arrived to the hotel, Lance made sure the two would be room-mates, upon getting to the room, it had appeared a mistake had been made, instead of two separate beds there was only one queen size bed. "Ugh..." He couldn't believe this! "Those assholes charged me for two beds! Unbelievable...." Keith blushed a bit, "I-I can sleep on the floor if you want the bed.." He let Lances hand go to inspect the room. Keith looked out the window down at the roads and people below, at least the sun was setting. His favorite time of day. "Sleep on the floor?? Don't be silly Keith. I have no problem shearing the bed with you." Lance didn't mind sleeping on the bed with Keith at all although he wished the hotel staff didn't charge him for two.. Putting his bags down, Lance walked over to Keith. "Are the blinds thick enough for you..? I know how sensitive you are to the light." He smiled a bit and sat on the edge of the bed taking his shoes off. "Yeah I'll be fine, thanks though." He was glad Lance cared enough to ask. He flopped back on the bed, "I wonder if they have tea here?"

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