Can't Take it Back (Completed)

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'You're such a slut.' The words come spiralling out of my mouth and I could never take then back. They ricochet off my tongue and change into life staining ink on their downward chase. The words designed to hurt, to shred and to destroy had done their work. Never again in would I be innocent, a virgin to the ugliness of this world and it was all my own fault. The words created of my own mind stood out on my skin. A harsh black against the snow white softness. Those four words were life changing, but not for good, and will never be for good. They were spat out like poison, aimed like an arrow and shot like a gun. They were sent like a lion, who hunted to kill, a snake, to strangle and hurt, a girl, to harm and to degrade. The words were the beginning to a series of chain reactions, that would take endless apologies and a heart full of overflowing forgiveness to stop. She might forget one day, but I never will. It is tattooed into my skin, a never ending reminder of what I have done. An eternal punishment from myself. And I walk away and wish I could take it all back, to go back in time, to stop it all. To change those four words to seven. 'I wish I could be like you.' But I can't take it back, no matter how hard I pray, think and wish, I will forever regret it.

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