I Want You Back

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Jeon Nari- 17 years of age
Jeon Aniiji- 6 years old
Jeon Ae- Cha- 5 years old
Jeon Chin- Mae- 5 years old

Jinnie- Jimin?
Jimin- Yeah Hyung?
Jinnie- Is it bad that I want Joonie back?
Jimin- Ummm? Well not really because Hoseok and you are not Married still, but he did help with the baby because he is the father!
Jinnie- Jimin, please! I don't know what to do? I'm begging you here!
Jimin- Just follow your heart Hyung, that's all I can say :)
Jinnie- Thx Chim

Jeon HouseHold-
"Jungkook-si" Jimin called when he stepped into the house Closing the door and to turn around to nothing.
"Jungkook?" He questions loudly.
When Jimin walks into the kitchen he spots a pretty decorative Note sitting on the counter. So what does he do, obviously reads the note, duh. (Haha)
Dear Jimin,
Look outside!
Jimin looks outside to see an amazing view! There were lights all over the place and sweets on the table outside and then there was Jungkook in a tuxedo. Jimin walked towards the Hansom figure.
"JungKookie what's all this?"
Jungkook takes Jimins hands.
"Jimin, I love you with all my heart you know that?"
"Yes, I do. You have my whole heart, like i have yours"
"Good! Jimin ever since the day we met I thought you were pretty and your personality fits you so cutely especially when your pregnant. I love how you have given me a family and I love how you make me cry tears of joy nearly everyday. But, the best thing I see everyday that makes me fall in love with you even more is our family that we have created. So Park Jimin, Will you make me the happiest man on earth and marry me?" Jungkook said kneeling down still holding Jimins hands.
Jimin nods his head eagerly, to stunned to say a word, crying tears of joy.
"Jungkook I have to say something" Jimin starts nervously playing with his fingers.
"What is it?"
"I'm P R E G N A N T with our 5th Child" Jimin smiles smirkingly.
"P...G...A...T? Wait your pregnant?" Jungkook asks shocked.
Jimin nods his head happily.
"I love you so so much Jimin! You have no idea! We could create a Whole soccer team!" Jungkook says moving his hands all over the place, screaming with excitement.
"Umm 12 Kids, no thank you. 6 or 9 I'm fine with because we love our children and we are keeping the vampire generation living"
"I fucking love you Park Jimin"
"May I?" Jungkook asked gesturing to Jimins stomach.
"Sure! You are the father, aren't you?" Jimin said sarcastically.
"I hope so!" Jungkook joked and they both chuckled.
Jungkook places his hands on Jimins stomach and speaks to their unborn child.
"Hey sweetie, I'm your Appa. You have 4 other siblings to live with, so don't go fighting and Also please don't give your Eomma a hard time, but just remember we will both love you no matter what" Jungkook says rubbing soothing circles on Jimins stomach.
"Eomma is pregnant again?" Nari said crossing her arms over her chest as she appeared out of no where.
"Omg Appa why won't you and Eomma stop having sex every 5 minutes" Nari scolded the two.
"We don't do it every 5 minutes!" Jungkook defended.
"Oh Jungkooksi" Nari acted Jimin out so perfectly.
"Get to your room immediately or we will tell your girlfriend that you only want her body" Jimin scolded.
"But I love her everything" Nari Wined.
"Well then do as your told" Jimin said with sass.
"Hmm Fine" Nari said walking off with attitude.

Well Nari sexuality finally revealed! What do you think?

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