Chapter 3

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Audra's POV

Where had I left it? When Liam followed me on twitter and I stqrted screaming like crazy because I could finally communicate with him somehow?


So afterwards, I got a call from Laura.

"Why didn't you tell me?" She asks.

"Why didn't I tell you what?" I reply.

"That you were going for the X factor."

"Relax girl, I just decided. By the way, can you come on the group chat with Georgie? You don't have a twitter right? I say.

"Nah. Waste of time." (LAURA SAID THAT. I LOVE TWITTER!)

But I ignore that. She doesn't stalk Liam like I do. 24/7, If mom saw me right now...

"Come on the group chat, I have to tell you both something."

"Why Auds?"

"Just come. Please."

A little while later, I have the screenshot of the famous follow, and just about to send it when Georgia's online icon come up.

'Heyyyyy!' She texts.

'Hey Georgie.' I text back.

'What is the very important thing you wanted to tell Laura and I?' She texts.

'Patience darling. Let Laura come on. '

'I'm here.' I get Laura. 'Can you hurry? I have to go.' 


'Can't you take out a little time for your best friend?' I text.

'Kay love. Okay.' Georgia says.

I send them the screenshot of Liam's follow and tweet to me about the X factor.

Seconds later, my inbox is bursting with 'oh my Gods.'



'Guys. Dont get too excited. Do I say who I am? Or do I act all fangirly?'

'Tell him!' says Laura

'Dont tell him Auds!' Georgia texts.

'I won't ask you for help next time.'

'Okay. Sorry. I know how much you miss him.' Says Laura.

'Where does that come in from?' I ask.

'Just... Nothing. Hear us both out and decide on your own.' Says Georgia.

'Kay. Don't tell him. He could easily unfollow you.' Says Georgia.

'And I think. You should tell him but not right now. Like, talk to him a little. Tell him about your problem. But anonymously.' Says Laura.

'Kay. Nice Laura. I'll go with your idea.'

'Yayyyyy. :DD' Laura texts.

':(' Georgia texts.

'Sorry Georgie. But I am sort of going with your idea too. I'm combining both of your ideas.'

'Kay then. Btw, why is your staus 'Pain demands to be felt,'?' Asks Georgia.

'No reason. Thanks anyway. I gotta go now I'm a bit busy.' I say.

'Kay. BYEEEE!' Says Laura.

'Bye Augustus obsessed.' Says Georgia.

'Shut up.'




I open my twitter to the Private nesaaging thingy.

To: @Real_Liam_Payne

Me: Hey Liammmm. Thank you so much for following me. You're amazing


Second try.

Me: Thanks for following me Liam. Tysm. I love you so much.


Gods. Nothing is good enough right now. But I'm sure that's fangirl lingo.

3rd try.

Me: Hi Liam.Thank you so much for following me.

And before I can backspace it,

I press enter.

And with my luck, he's online.

I have a great life. (Note the sarcasm.)

Liam : No worries babe. Thank youuuuuuuu :) x

Me : 'Can I ask you a question? Nothing personal.'

Yeah right. I'm about to ask him a question about me and him. And it isn't personal? Way to go Rayne.

Liam:Sure babe. Anything.

Do I? Do I not.

Wait Audra. He's Liam. Your best buddy. How could you be scared of asking him. Spilling out the last few years of your disgustingly pathetic life.

I decide. To do it.

Me: So, I had this friend. And I liked him a lot. But I literally broke him into million peices, and I'm very sorry. And guilt is eating me up for the past four years. So, if that guy had been you. what would you have done.'

Liam: Aw. I'm not sure I should answer that.

Me.It's because of me. I'm sure of it.

Liam:But I'm telling you something no one knows. except my family. and the lads. As long as tou swear not to tell anyone. And I have a feeling I can trust you.

No Liam, you can't.

Me : Yeah. Okay. Okay.

Liam: Promise?

Me: Promise. (TFIOS!!!)

Liam: Well, something like that has happened to me.

So, 16th birthday? A girl pretended to be my friend, but ditched me at the last moment. Proving that she never was my friend.

That's me Payne

Me: Wow. Really? So, what would you do to that person? I'm sure he/she's suffering as much as I am right now.

Liam : I think, if my girl was suffering that much,I would hear her out. And then forgive her.

He calls me his girl.

Hope. Hope. Hope.

And that he would forgive me.

Me: And imagine if I was the girl. Would you talk to me like you are right now?

Liam: I would ve a little uncomfortable, But I would forgive her. If she really was/is guilty. But it wouldn't have been that easy. anyways. I have to go now love. Hope he forgives you soon.

Me: Kay Liam. I hope for the same.Thanks for your help. Bye.

I log off. and think 'Same Liam. same.'

This chat wasn't a total waste. I won't lose hope now.



I know it was carroty

But I had to update.

Liam wouldn't open up so easily.

And definately not reply so early.

Sorry if it was carroty. :P

Hope you liked it.

Ily ♥

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