Chapter 2

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The next chapter. xx :)

Thanks for reading this guys xD

You guys are amazing :))

BTW (I wrote this on the phone. Please point out the spelling/grammar mistakes if any so that I can correct them.)

Thanks :) 

(BTWx2- I didn't actually google all this, so forgive me if I've done something wrong in here.)

Kay, I'm done. Sorry for the rants <3



Audra's POV

So, I thought a lot about um, you know? (I'm sure you do. Did you, or did you not read the first few chapters, did you forget? Go back and read them again, I'm not explaining it again.) 

So, I'm 20, about to turn 21, I have the whole right to enter the X- Factor. Don't I? And I can sing well. But I have to take a decision now.

I decide to search it up on the net and then decide. 'The X - Factor' I google, the official site for X- Factor comes on. (A/N - Is there one? Sorry :P) Right in front of it, there's a huge banner for entering in season 9. Maybe I will... Maybe... MAYBE!

Leave me alone.

But I'm already isolated, I probably can't get more than that.

Are you asking what happened to Laura and Georgia?

Laura's married, Georgia's in France, with her boyfriend. They live together, I'm still in Wolverhampton, alone. 'A kingdom of isolation, and it looks like I'm the queen.' would be the best line to describe it right now. Well, at least I'm the queen of something. Apart from boredom.

From a long time, I turn to books. An even.That.Depressed.Me.So.Much!


Because I myself will never get a real life Augustus Waters, or a Will Herondale, or a Tobias Eaton, or anyone. Because I made a mistake, an unforgivable mistake. 

Stupid girl.

I turn back to the laptop. Click on the banner.

And slowly start filling in all the slots. 

Liam's POV

"So, for the meet and greet, where do we go, apart from the already decided places. And are we going to your hometowns?" Simon asks. We're having a meet and greet, for the fans, right after our tour's over. It's just about to be over. In three months. Then we'll be going to a few select places, where we'll be meeting a few fans. Obvously. 

"Yeah," I nod, if I didn't go to Wolverhampton, mom would kill me, and then bring me back to life, cause.

1. She loves me.

2. The above reason.

"Okay, so the places decided yet are..." Simon says, and started rattling about 50 places all around the earth. But I'm no good at geography, so don't ask me anything about them. You will be dissapointed. So after the meeting's over, I decide to tweet about the meet and greet. Fans are going to be so happy. I open up my twitter. And type. 

"Meeting some of you soon. :) x " I type, and tweet.

A minute later, I check and my tweet has 145k tweets. Cool fans.

I decide to check a few of the replies.



'I probably have tweeted this a lot but can I get a follow? @Real_Liam_Payne ? x 231345'


And what I do?

I press her follow button.

Then I start to randomly follow a few fans. (I just made these up.)





You must be thinking I'm self obsessed aren't I?

Well, that department's Zayn's. I was just follwing random people.

I decide to give one last follow. Okay, @AudraR


Is that?

No, I don't think so. 

It must be a co incidence, there isn't only one Audra in the whole world whose surname begins with R?

It isn't her. I'm sure of it.

Audra's POV

I finish with the form, I take one last breath before submitting the form. Yes I did. I did it.

I finally did it. 

I have to pay. 

I look for my credit card, has to be somewhere in my purse. (It's not designer, I hate that kind of stuff. It's just a normal purse. Yeah.)


I type in my credit card number, phone number. It's almost done, slow internet.

I open my twitter. Type, "audition for the X factor, notifying in a few days." and press tweet.

I look at notifications, zero, or maybe they won't load. Oh Gods, I hate slow internet.

I look at my timeline, '1 new tweet,' I press it. And see. 

@Real_Liam_Payne -  "Meeting some of you soon. :) x "

Then, when my notifications load. I see the '2 new notifcations' icon pop up. 

@Real_Liam_Payne followed you.

What the hell?

@Real_Liam_Payne - @AudraR good luck babe, hope you make it.

'What just happened?' was my only thought before I start to screaming hysterically. 


Audra's a fangirl... And Audra's one lucky girl too. Along with the other non-existant(hopefully) twitter accounts. 

So, I think Laudra's gonna meet in about three more chapters. 

Anyways, hope you liked it.

Thanksss <3

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