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"Yo I been wanting to see this crib for like, ever. Remy had a party here once and it was so dope. I aint get to go though, I just saw it on snap."

"Thats cuz ain't nobody wanna invite yo white ass," Kevin muttered and Marcus gave him an unamused look, making us both laugh. "I'm joking man, you know you my favorite snow bunny."

"Yeah whatever, let me say some shit like you my favorite burnt chocolate chip cookie and-"

"Motherfucker who the hell you calling burnt?!"

"Could both of yall shut the hell up and come on?" I laughed, lifting the rusty elevator gate so we could step off. The door to my apartment was just down the hall and I could already hear music bumping and lots of laughing and loud noise. There was bodies spilling out the house and into the hallway and the place reeked of weed and vanilla perfume and body lotions and shit from bitches.

Excuse me, I meant ladies.

Anyway, shit was clearly popping off and I found myself getting excited as I got closer to the chaos. I ain't really party all the much in high school so this was like an event for me. Sure I went out and did shit and got into my fair share of trouble or whatever, but I never did the stereotypical blackout party shit or nothing like that. And, considering I could get fucked up and just fall asleep in my own bed, that was my plan for the night. 

Marcus, Kevin, and I shuffled down the hallway through the people towards the door and I lead the way. I was just bout to walk in when some nigga standing by the door put his hand out and stopped me.

"Aye nigga, it's a five dollar entrance fee."

I looked down at the hand on my arm and then back up at the dude. "Excuse me?" I sneered out over the loud rap music and hollering people. The guy was still gripping my arm and it was really starting to get to me. I ain't like it when people touched me, especially if I ain't know you, and dude was standing a little too close. 

The nigga was around my height with cornrows in his hair and a wife beater and jeans. He looked like some shit out a D'Angelo music video or something but he was cut up and had some scars on him he probably got from the streets. That ain't really scare me though because I still wasn't down for disrespect. 

"If you ain't on the list it's five for niggas and two dollars for females."

"Yo, he lives here man!" Kevin yelled over my shoulder, trying to reason with the dude. There was a small line of people behind us now trying to get in and I snatched my arm from dudes grip, trying to move past him. He just pressed his hand against my chest and shoved me back though. 

"Nigga what the fuck did I just say? Pay up or get the fuck out."

"Did you not just hear him? I live here motherfucker, now back the fuck up and stop putting your fucking hands on me," I snapped, slapping his hands off me and shoving him back. He squared his jaw and lifted his shirt, showing off a glock as he stepped up and got in my face. Kevin swore and Marcus grabbed my arm, trying to tug me back.

"Yo, hold up man, everybody chill out for a minute," he said and I could hear the nervousness in his voice.

"Listen to your friend nigga. This ain't the party for you bitch," the dude said and, despite the gun he was threatening me with and the niggas who had stepped up behind him, I snapped. 

I didn't even realize my fist was flying until I was punching that bitch in the face and he was falling back. Niggas jaw was hard as fuck so it kinda hurt my knuckles, but I wasn't done. I was just bout to jump on his ass again when his friends jumped in and slammed my ass back against the wall. 

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